Source: Crenshaw Communications

ToutApp Releases Sales and Marketing Alignment Through Content: New Book Tackles Divide Between B2B Sales and Marketing, Offers Solutions to Drive Collaboration and Increase Company Revenue

ToutApp Shares Recommendations on How Sales and Marketing Teams Can Work Together

SAN FRANCISCO, CA--(Marketwired - Jul 21, 2015) - ToutApp, the sales platform that helps salespeople close more deals through advanced email tracking, templates and analytics, today announced the release of a self-published book titled Sales and Marketing Alignment Through Content.

According to a 2011 Aberdeen Group study, organizations with aligned sales and marketing teams experienced an average of 32 percent year-over-year growth in annual company revenue while less aligned companies experienced an average of only 7 percent growth.*

Sales and Marketing Alignment Through Content helps organization's sales and marketing divisions, along with the company's executive suite, understand the need for and challenges of cross-team alignment. The book's solutions focus on better communication, specifically in relation to content creation and data analysis. 

"Most research strongly supports the notion that marketing and sales teams should collaborate to boost their company's bottom line -- not work in silos," said Tawheed (TK) Kader, Founder and CEO of ToutApp. "Yet whenever I speak with marketing or sales managers, they always come up with some excuse for not aligning, ranging from misperceived complexities to downright inaccuracies about what each other does. I ultimately believe this disconnect is the result of two distinct cultures thinking very differently about how they work."

Sales and Marketing Alignment Through Content finds that marketers tend to think in terms of aggregates (buyer personas, categories or segments) while sales reps think in terms of distinct deals (buyer, prospects and opportunities). It is this difference that continues to prevent alignment, even if the goal of increasing company revenue is universally held among both groups.

"Our goal in writing this book is to provide easy solutions for an issue facing sales and marketing managers around the globe," added Kader. "As a sales software provider, we have long understood the need for sales reps to align with those at the top of the funnel to close more deals and generate more revenue for their company. It's our hope that this book will bring these two teams one step closer and ultimately increase ROI for their divisions and respective businesses."

Sales and Marketing Alignment Through Content covers:

  • Working together to provide more accurate information and generate more useful content
  • How marketers can effectively leverage sales teams and their data
  • Metrics an organization can monitor to drive alignment
  • How salespeople are becoming mini-marketers to close deals
  • Proper email strategies for both groups
  • Bringing sales and marketing strategies together to amplify results company-wide

Sales and Marketing Alignment Through Content is now available as a downloadable PDF on ToutApp's website or for purchase as a paperback on Amazon for $11.99.

In conjunction with the release, ToutApp has also created a podcast that features several of the book's interviewed experts and a worksheet that sales and marketing managers can download to build alignment among sales and marketing teams.

For more information about ToutApp, visit:

About ToutApp

ToutApp builds software that helps salespeople close deals faster with the power of email tracking, templates and analytics. Founded in 2011, ToutApp has more than 100,000 salespeople using its platform, with over 400 enterprise customers including Atlassian, Dropbox, Optimizely, Jive, Namely and more.

*Aberdeen Group, "Sales and Marketing Alignment", 2011

Contact Information:

Chris Harihar
Crenshaw Communications for ToutApp