Source: Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) - Ottawa

Invest in quality public services - don't dismantle them: CUPE to Region of Waterloo

WATERLOO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Sept. 30, 2015) - Front-line Waterloo public services workers, represented by the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), are urging the Region of Waterloo to invest in important public services, as council meets tonight to discuss recommendations from an outside consultant firm. CUPE Ontario president Fred Hahn will attend tonight's council meeting to highlight the importance of public services and will urge the Region to invest in quality public services.

"Public services are the backbone of this community - child care and employment services help improve the lives of residents in Waterloo," said Fred Hahn, President of CUPE Ontario. "As the Region gathers tonight to discuss the future of these services, we are here to remind council that these services have a positive impact on people's lives. The Region needs to invest in, rather than dismantle, important services that the community relies on."

Hahn is referring to recommendations made by KPMG about the future of child care services and employment services provided to Waterloo residents by front-line Region of Waterloo workers represented by CUPE 1883. "The services our members provide help shape the future of our children and assist residents in helping them find employment in the region," said Jan Richards, president of CUPE 1883. "Why would you even consider cutting services that help residents and make our community stronger?"

"The Employment Ontario program offers residents a one-stop shop for services to help them gain education, training and employment," said Jill Smyth, CUPE National Representative. "These services provided by our members help residents tailor a personalized plan to achieve their goals - from gaining a new job to starting a second career - we want council to know the positive impacts these services have on our community." Smyth will be making a deputation tonight at the council meeting where she will urge the Region to fully consider the impact of the program prior to deciding on the future of Employment Ontario.

Richards will also be highlighting the benefits of quality child care provided by dedicated, highly trained child care workers at five child care centres in the Region of Waterloo. "Our members take great pride in shaping the lives of our future leaders," continued Richards. "We are one of the few child care centres that offer HighScope Curriculum approach to early childhood education and our members also support special needs children - closing the centres will be a permanent loss of these highly important programs and services that help our community."

Contact Information:

Jan Richards
CUPE 1883 President

Jill Smyth
CUPE National Representative

James Chai
CUPE Communications