Nasdaq Nordic is pleased to announce its intention to operate an Approved Publication Arrangement (APA) and an Approved Reporting Mechanism (ARM) when MiFID II/MiFIR regulations come into effect in 2017.

Approved Publication Arrangement (APA)

Nasdaq Nordic today operates a facility for investment firms to meet the requirements for the publication of OTC transactions. When MiFID II/MiFIR come into effect on January 3, 2017 investment firms entering into OTC transactions must comply with new transparency requirements. Among these requirements, investment firms will have to make certain post trade information public through an APA. Nasdaq Nordic intends to operate an APA in the Nordics, subject to regulatory approval.

Investment firms are expected to be able to send trade reports to Nasdaq’s APA using existing protocols and connections.

Approved Reporting Mechanism (ARM)

Nasdaq operates a facility for Regulatory Reporting in the Nordics, where the MIFID Transaction Reporting Service is one component of the offering, enabling Nasdaq Nordic and Nasdaq’s clients to submit relevant data to the national competent authorities. Nasdaq, through one of its Nordic affiliates, intends to operate an ARM in the Nordics, subject to regulatory approval, serving the Nasdaq Nordic exchanges as well as Nasdaq’s clients.

Questions relating to Nasdaq Nordic and APA should be directed to:

Kirsten Thaarup                                       Nicolai Dahl Wallin       

+45 3377 0380                                        +45 33770360

Questions relating to Nasdaq Regulatory Reporting and ARM should be directed to:



Exchange Notice on APA 2015 04 11.pdf