Source: The Devon Group

Designs on Talent to Share Insights on Measuring Value of Intellectual Capital at NCHRA Conference

ATLANTA, GA--(Marketwired - Nov 9, 2015) -

Linda Brenner, founder and managing director of Designs on Talent, a leading talent strategy and talent acquisition consulting firm

Will present a session titled, "Are People REALLY Our Most Important Asset?" at the Northern California Human Resources Association's (NCHRA) 2015 Strategic HR & Leadership Conference.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015 from 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. PST.

Brenner is scheduled to speak at 11:15 a.m. PST.

Parc 55 San Francisco
55 Cyril Magnin Street
San Francisco, Calif.

HR professionals know that there is more to successful strategy than meets the eye; however, many still struggle to measure and quantify their work. In order to overcome this obstacle, HR needs to implement a framework that recognizes the value that talent brings across the organization.

During NCHRA's 2015 Strategic HR & Leadership Conference, Linda Brenner, founder and managing director of Designs on Talent, will explore the benefits of the Intellectual Capital Index, a metric for identifying the specific areas of intellectual capital that drive the most value in a company, as a means of helping HR identify areas of improvement and refocus accordingly. In addition, Brenner will share examples from her research as well as success stories from real-life organizations employing this index. Session attendees will leave with actionable insights and useful tools for measuring, optimizing and communicating the business value of talent assets.

HR professionals and business leaders who are interested in learning more about the Intellectual Capital Index as a metric for analyzing and understanding HR investments are encouraged to attend this engaging session. For event information and registration details, please visit:

About Designs on Talent
Designs on Talent is an Atlanta-based HR consulting firm founded in 2004. The firm specializes in talent strategy development, talent acquisition process improvement, and TA and HR skills assessment and development. The firm's clients range from small, U.S.-based companies to global consumer brands, such as Coca-Cola, Expedia, L'Oreal, Chick-fil-A and Turner Broadcasting. Our principals led talent acquisition, talent management and finance for Fortune 500 organizations prior to banding together to form this unique consulting firm focused on improving talent results for our clients. For more information about Designs on Talent, please visit or follow us on Twitter: @DesignsOnTalent.