RedBrick Health Announces Results of National Employer Survey on Health Engagement

Survey identifies trends since 2010, including increased linkage with enterprise goals, larger budgets, more reliance on incentives, and higher bar in defining engagement

MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 10, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RedBrick Health, a leading provider of technology-enabled enterprise solutions that empower individuals to improve their health behaviors and make smarter healthcare decisions, has published the results of its 2015 National Employer Survey on Health Engagement. In follow-up to a similar 2010 national survey, this study explores how definitions and predictors of health engagement have evolved over the last five years, specifically looking at trends in program designs, engagement rates and definitions of success.

For employers, the healthcare environment has changed dramatically since 2010. The implementation of the Affordable Care Act places new requirements on employers around health coverage, and creates new regulatory frameworks for employee wellness initiatives. And with an increasingly competitive U.S. job market, employers are using comprehensive health benefits to attract and retain high-caliber employees. In light of these changes, RedBrick reassessed the role of employee health and well-being with the 2015 study, resulting in evidence that—for many employers—employee health and well-being have gone from "nice to have" to "need to have."

"The findings from this study suggest that employee health and well-being have come of age," said Dan Ryan, chief executive officer of RedBrick Health. "Employers are linking these initiatives to broader corporate goals, increasing funding and accountability, and shifting how they define engagement—from 'clicks' to greater alignment of attitudes and health behaviors."

Overall, the 2015 National Employer Survey on Health Engagement found that employers are offering more program elements and setting higher expectations around what engagement means. Several findings from this research are highlighted below:

  • Program goals have grown up since 2010. A higher proportion of respondents in 2015 cited goals tied to corporate performance—such as employee satisfaction and productivity—as well as engagement and ROI. Program investment levels increased since 2010 as well.
  • Employers are raising the bar on engagement. More 2015 respondents defined engagement as incorporating healthy attitudes and behaviors into daily living, rather than simply participating in programs, suggesting a more sophisticated understanding as well as higher expectations.
  • Increased choice is producing stronger results. The 2015 survey found that employers who offer more health engagement choices reported higher satisfaction with overall employee engagement.
  • More employers are looking to reward outcomes with higher incentives. Premium reductions, gift cards and HSA deposits continue to dominate as reward types. Average total reward levels are up, and 60% of employers surveyed report they use or are likely to use outcome-based incentives in the next year.

The National Employer Survey of Health Engagement, conducted by independent research firm SNG Research Corporation, surveyed 202 human resource decision-makers from multiple industries. These individuals represented self-insured companies with at least 1,000 employees, and performed organizational roles in health benefits and wellness and health management.

View the complete results of the study at

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About RedBrick Health

RedBrick Health provides technology-enabled enterprise solutions that empower individuals to improve their health behaviors and make smarter healthcare decisions. The company serves leading employers, health plans and healthcare delivery organizations focused on improving population health and reducing healthcare costs. Using its powerful behavior change model and dynamic heath engagement platform, RedBrick delivers a personalized and engaging experience through online, mobile and live interactions with consumers. Visit RedBrick at, read more at the Health Innovation Blog, or follow the company on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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Alexandra LaManna