Source: Streetwise Reports Llc

Inception Mining's CFO and Director Trent D'Ambrosio Interviewed by The Gold Report

SAN FRANCISCO, CA--(Marketwired - January 27, 2016) - Inception Mining Inc. (OTCQB: IMII) is producing gold at its Clavo Rico operation in Honduras and is preparing to begin contract gold mining at its U.P. & Burlington project in the mountains of Idaho. Add in resource expansion and some exploration upside in Nevada and you have a story with lots of interesting angles. Inception CFO and Director Trent D'Ambrosio shares with The Gold Report his company's plans to boost production and expand mine life at Clavo Rico.

The Gold Report : This market has been challenging for junior mining companies, even the best ones. What about Inception Mining makes it different?

Trent D'Ambrosio: We have used that market to our advantage. When we launched our company, we didn't have the luxury of high gold prices and easy access to capital that the majority of other juniors had years earlier. Those companies often had open checkbooks, so they could be aggressive. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. We started when capital was more difficult to come by, so we had to be diligent and disciplined in our process and only pursue what we believed would be profitable ventures requiring lower capital investment. We've had to further adapt to this difficult and challenging market environment by remaining extremely flexible.

TGR: What sort of plans does Inception have for exploration and to possibly make deals?

TD: We are positioned very well for deal making, exploration is always on our mind, and we are very optimistic about the future. We plan on…

Continue reading this interview: Inception Mining's Diverse Batch of Assets Offers Production Now, Growth Later

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Inception Mining Inc. paid Streetwise Reports to distribute. Trent D'Ambrosio had final approval of the content of the interview and is wholly responsible for the validity of the statements. Opinions expressed are the opinions of Mr. D'Ambrosio and not of The Gold Report or its officers. The interview does not constitute investment advice. Each reader is encouraged to consult with his or her individual financial professional and any action a reader takes as a result of information presented here is his or her own responsibility.

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