Source: FDF LLC

Paul Pitcher -- Sharp Shooter Funding -- Bret Hart Helping Sharp Shooter Funding Grow in Canada

CALGARY, AB--(Marketwired - February 09, 2016) -  Bret Hart is one of the most recognizable wrestlers in the history of the sport, but now the WWE Hall of Famer is wrestling for small-to-midsize businesses owners in Canada with Sharp Shooter Funding.

As the official spokesman for the brand, Hart has joined forces with First Down Funding Managing Partner Paul Pitcher to build a company that will provide loans to qualifying businesses.

When asked about why he wanted to become the spokesman for Sharp Shooter Funding, Hart spoke to Ring Rust Radio about his relationship with Pitcher and his perception of the business:

"I had the pleasure of meeting Paul, who is in charge of all this many years ago. His relationship with me as a surprisingly goes back many, many years when I met him in a contest back in Maryland. It was a WWE have-lunch-with-a-hero kind of contest. We met each other years and years ago and I had a big effect on him growing up all his life. He kept me in mind as someone he looked up to as a role figure. He approached me a while ago about getting involved in the Sharpshooter Funding and First Down Funding. He's a good guy and a smart guy. When you sit down and listen to the whole format and how it provides money to much needed businesses and small business owners that need financial support and extra funding. It's a worthwhile endeavor, and I'm actually very grateful that he's involved me with it so far."

Sharpshooter Funding is unique from the other corporate finance companies because of the variety of products the company offers. While Canadian business owners can still get a traditional merchant cash advance, the company also offers asset-based lending, long- and short-term loans and real estate funding.

The jump into the Canadian market with Sharp Shooter Funding is not without backing, as the same people who helped make First Down Funding a well-established brand in the United States are looking to do the same in Canada.

Sharp Shooter Funding Vice President of Marketing Blade Hart released a statement about the company's move into the Canadian market backed by Pitcher and company:

"Paul Pitcher introduced my brother Dallas and I to the success of First Down Funding and the incredible advantages it can provide to small business owners across the United States. He then shared his vision of expanding his company to offer the same helpful lending options to small businesses here in Canada. After just a few months now, Paul is beginning to set the pace here in Canada with his top tier private lending opportunities. A high percentage of applicants are approved and quickly funded which has showed us that the company can effectively have a positive impact on businesses, and that is something that my father, brother and I are very excited to be a part of. The chance to offer a product that allows you to continually work directly with small business owners, to help them grow their own brands is something that I think is very special to be involved in. Long term we are looking forward to offer the same quality service and lending options that First Down Funding has been successful with, but to Canadians across the country."

With Bret Hart as the spokesman -- widely considered a Canadian hero after his successes in the wrestling business -- Sharpshooter Funding is looking to separate itself from other companies in the industry by offering affordable rates and transparent fees.

On short-term loans, Canadian business owners will have an interest rate of 5.49 to 18.29 percent (12 month loan), while long-term funding will have an interest rate of 10.49 to 18.29 percent (60 months).

For comparison, the interest rates on a Small Business Administration 7A loan in the United States averaged between six to 13 percent, but it's harder for small businesses to get approved for this funding.

Banks and Credit Unions also provide loans, but many have strict requirements on credit score and revenue that can make it difficult for business owners to qualify. Sharpshooter Funding is looking to help Canadian business owners who aren't eligible for traditional loans.

Dallas Hart, Sharpshooter Funding Vice President of Sales, released a statement about what the main goals are for the finance company:

"Our main goal is working as hard as possible to get our clients a done deal. We understand in today's economy it's hard to get extra capital from the banks and that's where we love to help. Whether you're looking to expand your business or simply just looking to take advantage of an immediate opportunity. We can get you extra working capital within a day. Paul Pitcher has had nothing but success with counterpart First Down Funding in the USA and has already become an expert with Sharpshooter Funding in Canada. We are very excited to see this business relationship continue to grow. We know what it takes for a business to succeed in today's economy and having that extra capital will only strengthen our customer's business and also strengthen our relationships with them."

Along with Pitcher, Bret Hart is looking to build credibility for Sharpshooter Funding in Canada as he continues to build his role as the company's official spokesman. As the mainstream notoriety of the company continues to grow thanks to Hart's involvement, so will the success of small businesses in the Canadian market thanks to Sharpshooter Funding.

Sharp Shooter Funding offers a wide selection of small business loan products to help business owners throughout the lifecycle of their businesses from early stages to established businesses with rates as low as 5.9 percent for the best-qualified borrowers. Visit to learn more about what Sharp Shooter has to offer.

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Contact Information:

Sharp Shooter Funding

Office (866) 644 1353
Customer Service (202) 350 9053
Fax (888) 503 0807
