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Source: Diet Doc Diet and Weight Loss

Diet Doc's Calorie Loading Ketogenic Diet Plans Prepare the Body for Extreme Fat Burn, Helping Dieters Lose 20 or More Pounds Per Month

Diet Doc's calorie loading ketogenic diet plans have helped over 97% of their patients safely lose 20 or more pounds per month without side effects

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 18, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- By now, many people throughout the country have deserted their New Year's resolutions and have abandoned their dream of ever reaching their ideal weight. Many have lost a few pounds throughout the month and now weight loss has stalled, while others simply found it too challenging to avoid their favorite carbs, sugar and processed foods. Diet Doc makes it possible for those people to get back on track and to lose 20 or more pounds per month without suffering nagging hunger, food cravings or weight loss plateaus. Because the company has committed decades of nutritional, scientific and medical research, they have been able to develop calorie loading ketogenic diet plans that have helped their patients melt fat from the problem areas quickly, safely and comfortably.

Diet Doc developed their calorie loading ketogenic diet plans by applying the 1980s concept, when it was discovered that short periods of high fat, high carbohydrate consumption increased the body's metabolism and fat oxidation. This, combined with the most modern medical and nutritional understanding, has enabled patients of all ages, shapes and sizes to safely and successfully stick to their weight loss goals and lose 20 or more pounds per month. The company's expert weight loss team includes doctors, nurses, nutritionists and coaches, who work closely with each patient to tailor diet programs that are specific to specific age, gender, activity level, nutritional needs and medical conditions.

During an initial one-on-one, personal doctor consultation via telephone or Skype, the reasons why weight management is a problem will be uncovered. The doctor will review the entire system to identify cellular toxicity, improperly functioning organs or internal hormonal imbalances that may be causing weight gain or prohibiting weight loss. Medical history and past weight loss attempts will be discussed. A full, written report will address these issues and detail the doctor's recommendations for the best method to begin losing dangerous and embarrassing excess fat.

Before beginning the diet plan, patients are encouraged to load up on their favorite high carb, high fat foods for two full days. This prepares the body for extreme fat burn during the next phase of the program. On day three, patients will begin following their nutritionist-designed meal and snack plan that has been tailored to be personal and specific to their individual needs. Patients find the meal plans interesting and appealing because they may include many of their favorite foods, while incorporating green, leafy vegetables and healthy proteins that work to keep the fat burning gates open and fat melting at an amazing pace. And, while all patients are eligible for the customized calorie loading ketogenic diet plans, many will qualify to incorporate Diet Doc's pure, prescription hormone diet treatments, exclusive prescription strength diet pills, appetite suppressants and powerful fat burners, that have the ability to seek out, burn and flush fat from the system while also eliminating between meal hunger, food cravings and dieting fatigue.

During Phase II of the calorie loading, ketogenic diet plans, patients report very quick and very noticeable fat loss from the problem areas and report losing pounds and inches from the belly, hips, thighs, underarms and buttocks at an incredible pace. They report looking and feeling better with increased energy and they are looking forward to their restored figure and return to health.

Phase III finds patients losing weight at a steady pace. Weekly checkup calls ensure that each patient is safely and comfortably losing weight and enables the doctor to monitor progress and to quickly identify weight loss plateaus, modify the diet plan, reset the metabolism and return the body to extreme fat burn. Depending on each patient's personal goals, Phase III may last from 1-3 months. 

Phase IV – the maintenance phase – includes consults and professional recommendations to ensure that each patient stays on track and sustains their weight loss without regain.     

Diet Doc continues to bring the safest, fastest and most innovative weight loss resources to patients throughout the nation and has earned a reputation of respect, trust and reliability in the medical weight loss arena. They encourage those who are struggling to lose that final 10-20 pounds to those who must lose 100 pounds or more to call 888-934-4451 or visit today to schedule a personal and no-cost consultation.    

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support.  For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss. 

Diet Doc Contact Information:
Providing care across the USA

San Diego, CA
(888) 934-4451


