Source: Securonix

Securonix Honored as "Most Innovative Insider Threat Prevention Solution for 2016"at the 4th Annual Cyber Defense Magazine Infosec Awards

Innovation Recognized During the 2016 RSA Conference

LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwired - Feb 29, 2016) - Securonix announced today that Cyber Defense Magazine, the industry's leading electronic information security magazine and media partner of the 2016 RSA Conference, has named Securonix "most innovative" in the insider threat category.

After many months of review by leading independent information security experts, Cyber Defense Magazine is pleased to have selected The Securonix Security Analytics solution as the "Most Innovative Insider Threat Prevention Solution for 2016."

"We're thrilled to recognize next-generation innovation in the information security marketplace and that's why Securonix has earned this award from Cyber Defense Magazine. Some of the best cyber security defenses come from these kinds of forward thinking players who think outside of the box," said Pierluigi Paganini, Editor-in-Chief, Cyber Defense Magazine.

The Securonix Security Analytics Platform is a behavior-based anomaly detection platform that analyzes and correlates event logs from hundreds of sources, devices and applications across the entire IT infrastructure -- including cloud, mobile and Big Data platforms. It uses sophisticated algorithms to analyze all interactions between users, machines and data to detect insider and external cyber threats. The primary use cases delivered by the Securonix platform include the rapid detection of data exfiltration, privilege abuse and malware infections.

"We are honored by CDM's endorsement of Securonix as the innovator behind enterprise security analytics that predict, prevent, detect and respond to insider threats," said Securonix CEO Sachin Nayyar. "This validates the fact that Securonix is ahead of the curve when it comes to the best-of-the-best solutions that combat insider threats with near real-time automation."

About Cyber Defense Magazine
Cyber Defense Magazine is the premier source of IT Security information. We are managed and published by and for ethical, honest, passionate information security professionals. Our mission is to share cutting edge knowledge, real world stories and awards on the best ideas, products and services in the information technology industry. We deliver electronic magazines every month online for free and limited print editions exclusively for the RSA Conferences and our paid subscribers. Learn more about us at

About Securonix
Securonix is working to radically transform all areas of data security with actionable security intelligence. Our purpose-built advanced security analytics technology mines, enriches, analyzes, scores and visualizes customer data into actionable intelligence on the highest risk threats from within and outside their environment. Using signature-less anomaly detection techniques that track users, account and system behavior, Securonix is able to detect the most advanced data security, insider threats and fraud attacks automatically and accurately. Globally customers are using Securonix to address the most basic and complex needs around advanced persistent threat detection and monitoring, high privileged activity monitoring, enterprise and web fraud detection, application risk monitoring and access risk management. For more information visit