Source: Kandou Bus

Kandou's David Stauffer to Speak at the OIF 100G Serial Electrical Links Workshop

Will Highlight ENRZ+ Modulation for Short- and Long-Reach Chip-to-Chip Link Applications

LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND--(Marketwired - March 07, 2016) - Kandou Bus announced today that David Stauffer of Kandou will speak at the OIF "100G Serial Electrical Links and Beyond" workshop. Dr. Stauffer serves as the Chair of the Physical and Link Layer (PLL) Working Group of the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) and is a lead design engineer for Kandou Bus with more than 30 years of experience at Kandou and IBM. He will speak alongside seven other industry leaders on Thursday, March 24 at 12:30-6:30p.m. at the Anaheim Marriott, across the street from OFC.

"Ensemble NRZ Plus (ENRZ+) modulation is the most promising candidate to deliver robust, low power electrical links for the 100G generation and beyond," said Amin Shokrollahi, Kandou Founder and CEO. "By combining ENRZ-based Chord™ signaling with smart filtering, ENRZ+ will deliver more bits with less power and better signal integrity than PAM methods."

The core of Kandou's innovative technology is a novel vector signaling technology called Chord™ signaling that sends correlated signals across more than two wires. The ENRZ version of Kandou's Chord signaling delivers 3 bits over 4 correlated wires. ENRZ+ combines smart filtering with ENRZ to provide links capable of 100G and beyond with very low power and excellent signal integrity. Because of its inherently superior Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) performance as compared to PAM4, ENRZ+ yields much wider eyes and supports a broad range of applications from short-reach package-to-package interconnect to long-reach backplanes with up to 40dB loss. 

Kandou has also released its Glasswing™ transceiver that uses another version of Kandou's Chord signaling optimized for in-package use.

Information and registration for the session can be found on the OIF website at:

About Kandou Bus S.A.

Bandwidth and power challenges for next-generation links are being addressed by the industry's leading standards development organizations such as the OIF, IEEE and JEDEC. Kandou advocates for industry standards, contributing its technology and support via membership and board positions within these organizations.

Headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland and founded in 2011, Kandou Bus is an innovative interface technology company specializing in the invention, design, license and implementation of industry leading chip-to-chip link solutions. Kandou's Chord™ signaling is a disruptive interconnect technology that lowers the power consumption and improves the performance of semiconductors, unlocking new capabilities in electronic devices and systems.

Chord and Glasswing are trademarks of Kandou Bus. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are properties of their respective owners.

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Jeff McGuire
VP Business Development