Source: Nasdaq Stockholm AB

New equity right for trading, Xintela TO (47/16)

At the request of Xintela AB, equity rights will be traded on First North as from March 22 2016.



Security name: Xintela teckningsoption 1
Short name: XINT TO
ISIN code: SE0007783543
Orderbook ID: 120380



Terms: Issue price, 5 SEK per share
- 1option rights gives the right to subscribe for
1 new share in Xintela AB
Subscription period: January 30, 2017- February 10, 2017
Last trading day: February 10, 2017


This information is distributed at the request of the Certified Adviser, Consensus Asset Management AB. For further information, please call Consensus Asset Management AB on +46 8 545 845 00.