Source: Ontario Federation of Labour

350 Trade Union Leaders to Gather in Toronto at Global Solidarity Conference

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - May 7, 2016) - Hundreds of trade union leaders are expected to meet this weekend in Toronto at what promises to be Canada's largest-ever gathering of labour activists from around the world.

Taking place at Ryerson University in downtown Toronto from May 6-8, the Labour Start 2016 Global Solidarity Conference will feature speakers and workshops from union leaders, professors, writers, and grassroots activists from countries like Ghana, Bangladesh, Germany, Italy, Australia, and many others with a vibrant political labour movement.

Speakers of note include:

  • Lee Cheuk-Yan, Secretary-General of Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions and leader of the Labour Party in Hong Kong
  • Larry Cohen, Former President of the Communication Workers of America and currently labour advisor to Bernie Sanders
  • Winnie Ng, Sam Gindin Chair of Social Justice and Democracy at Ryerson University
  • John Cartwright, President of the Toronto and York Region Labour Council
  • Shane Enright, Global Trade Union Advisor at Amnesty International
  • Hanifullah Wais, Afghan Trade Unionist
  • Noor Zaheer, Ph.D, President of the Dehli Branch of the National Federation of Indian Women and author of many political books
  • Amirul Haque Amin, President of the National Garment Workers' Federation of
  • Bangladesh

For a complete list of the speakers and workshops, please visit the Labour Start 2016 website at

Contact Information:

Media inquiries may be directed to:
Angela Zhu
Conference Coordinator, LabourStart2016