Source: NewMediaWire

Green Planet Gold Claim Testing Is Positive and Productive

TEMPE, AZ--(Marketwired - May 10, 2016) - Green Mining Technologies, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Green Planet Group, Inc. (OTC PINK: GNPG), has announced positive results from further testing of material collected on its one hundred sixty (160) acre placer gold mining claim in Kern County, California. As noted in a previous news release, independent laboratory testing, conducted by LP Analytical of Phoenix, Arizona, on thirty-three (33) ore samples has proven that this claim has significant gold values. On the basis of that testing, the very conservative asset value of this claim (after reducing the calculated value by 90%) is estimated at approximately $173 million. 

LP Analytical has conducted repeated testing on material collected from the placer mining claim by means of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), a type of mass spectrometry which is capable of detecting metals and several non-metals at concentrations as low as one part in 1015 (part per quadrillion, ppq) on non-interfered low-background isotopes. Test results have repeatedly shown commercially significant amounts of gold and other precious metals. This replication of testing with consistent results from each subsequent testing round provides further validation for the estimated value of the claim.

Green Mining Technologies management is concurrently exploring various placer material processing techniques in order to identify the process that maximizes gold recovery while meeting the Company's goal of minimizing disturbance of the land and environment. Ed Lonergan, GNPG CEO and president, noted, "At the end of the day, it is the recovered and refined gold that you take to the bank. That's the reason we are pushing ahead with efforts to define our processing plans at this time. Later this week, we will run a fire assay on larger quantities of concentrates from our sampling." 

In addition, The Company will begin testing of its soil reclamation technology, a primary business initiative, providing another green technology with the capacity to generate substantial revenues. This will be the first application of the soil reclamation technology to material collected from the Kern County mining claim. Lonergan continued, "Since every location has its own unique soil composition, we are using the "tailings" produced from our sample placer material wet gravity concentration process to begin testing of soil amendment formulations. We anticipate the testing of at least fifteen (15) formulations of our proprietary soil amendments to determine which will work best at this location. Subsequent to our announcement regarding this initiative last month, we have already received inquiries from industry and government organizations which we believe confirm the potential for revenue generation from this technology."

About Green Planet Group, Inc.
The Company is comprised of four wholly-owned subsidiaries: one operating company and four development companies. XenTx Lubricants, Inc. produces lubricants and additives for gasoline and diesel engines. AAQIS, Inc. is developing a hydrogen generator which greatly reduces hydrocarbon emissions while improving fuel efficiency in internal combustion engines. Green Mining Technologies, Inc. is developing green technologies for the mining of precious metals. The Company's Healing the Earth subsidiary is developing a new Fast Track™ growing system capable of growing vast amounts of fresh, organic food.

Forward-Looking Statements
Certain statements contained herein are "forward-looking" statements (as defined -- Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995). Green Planet Group, Inc. cautions that the statements made in this press release constitute forward-looking statements and no guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from projections in forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and opinions of management at time the statements are made.

Contact Information:

Ed Lonergan
Phone: 480-998-2400