Source: Department of National Defense - Public Affairs Section 5 - CBMG ValCartier

Military Parachutists Training in La Jacques-Cartier RMC

VALCARTIER, QUEBEC--(Marketwired - June 9, 2016) - Residents of the area surrounding Saint-Joseph Lake could see military parachutists taking part in an exercise this Saturday, June 11, 2016, between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm. Some 160 soldiers from Valcartier, mainly from the 3rd Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment, will participate in this air training.

The water jumps will take place over Saint-Joseph Lake from a CC130J Hercules airplane using automatically opening parachutes. In small successive groups, the members will jump from the plane and then touch down in the water, where they will be retrieved by one of six Zodiac-type military boats.

It should be noted that this training could be postponed to the following day or even canceled without notice if the weather prevents it from being able to be carried out safely.

This exercise is essentially intended to allow parachutists and flight crew from 426 Transport Training Squadron (Trenton, Ontario) to maintain their qualifications, in accordance with applicable regulations.

For the occasion, the Saint-Joseph Lake beach which is normally closed at this time of year has been reserved so as to allow the troops and their families to get together for a family activity once the jumps are complete. Access to this location will therefore be limited to soldiers and military families for the day.

Related links

- 3 Battalion, Royal 22e Régiment:

- 426 Transport Training Squadron:

- CC130J Hercules:

Contact Information:

June 9 and 10
Major Geoffrey Dionne
Commander of Company A (parachutists)
3rd Battalion, Royal 22e Regiment
418-844-5000, ext 5364

June 11
Capitain Mathieu Dufour
Public Affairs Officer
5 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group