Orange and Free Mobile sign an agreement providing for the end of national roaming

Press release

Paris, 15 June 2016

Orange and Free Mobile sign an agreement providing for the end of national roaming

Over several months, Orange and Free Mobile (Iliad Group) have been engaged in discussions regarding the progressive reduction and end of the national roaming agreement between the two operators.

An agreement for the end of the national roaming service was signed on 15 June 2016. This provides for the progressive limitation of services by Free Mobile, from January 2017, for its customers roaming on Orange's network. This agreement expires at the end of 2020.

This contract will be communicated to the French regulator, Arcep, which must verify its coherence with the outline recommendations published on 25 May 2016.

About Orange

Orange is one of the world's leading telecommunications operators with sales of 40 billion euros in 2015 and has 155,000 employees worldwide at 31 March 2016, including 96,000 employees in France. Present in 28 countries, the Group has a total customer base of 252 million customers worldwide at 31 March 2016, including 191 million mobile customers and 18 million fixed broadband customers. Under the Orange Business Services brand, Orange is also one of the world leaders in providing telecommunication services to multinational companies. In March 2015, the Group presented its new strategic plan "Essentials2020" which places customer experience at the heart of its strategy with the aim of allowing them to benefit fully from the digital universe and the power of its new generation networks.

Orange is listed on Euronext Paris (symbol ORA) and on the New York Stock Exchange (symbol ORAN).
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Orange and Free Mobile sign an agreement - end of national roaming