Source: Infrastructure Canada

Federal, Provincial and Municipal Funding for Water and Wastewater Infrastructure in Saskatchewan

REGINA, SASKATCHEWAN--(Marketwired - July 13, 2016) - Infrastructure Canada

Having access to clean, reliable drinking water is critical to the health and prosperity of Canadian communities and for attracting economic opportunities for the middle class and those trying to join it. And by ensuring that water and wastewater systems are modern, efficient and meet the capacity needs of our communities, we are safeguarding the well-being of residents, protecting our waterways and preserving our ecosystems.

The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, the Honourable Jim Reiter, Minister of Government Relations, along with representatives from several municipalities, today announced funding for water and wastewater infrastructure projects in eight Saskatchewan communities.

Through the Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component - National and Regional Projects, the governments of Canada and Saskatchewan are each contributing up to $6,766,000 for the construction of a new wastewater treatment plant in the Town of Lumsden; up to $5,088,583 for the construction or upgrade of water treatment plants and reservoirs in six northern Saskatchewan communities; and up to $2,045,000 for upgrades to both the drinking water and wastewater treatment systems in the Town of Lanigan.


"These important investments in water and wastewater systems will ensure that thousands of Saskatchewan residents will have access to safe and reliable drinking water, as well as effective wastewater treatment services that protect the local environment and keep our communities healthy and livable. Modern infrastructure that meets the needs of our communities is key to ensuring that Canada will remain the best place in the world to live, work and raise a family."

The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness

"Our government is proud to partner with the Federal Government and the communities of Beauval, Creighton, Dore Lake, Ile a la Crosse, La Loche, Lanigan, Lumsden and Pinehouse on these important infrastructure projects. Today's announcement is an investment in the quality of life for Saskatchewan families and communities."

The Honourable Jim Reiter, Minister of Government Relations

"The Town of Lumsden is grateful that the Federal and Provincial Governments have selected Lumsden as a funding recipient for National and Regional Projects funding. The wastewater treatment facility represents critical infrastructure used every day by residents and businesses. This new facility will provide great value to the community and reduce our impact on the environment."

His Worship Bryan Matheson, Mayor of Lumsden

"Northern municipalities are grateful for these critical Federal and Provincial investments in our drinking water systems. They support improvements to our residents' quality of life and recognize the infrastructure needs of northern Saskatchewan municipalities."

Gord Stomp, Chair of the Northern Municipal Trust Account

"Our community has been struggling for years trying to provide a water supply which conforms to regulations. We will now be able to enjoy a water supply which is safe and healthy as well as esthetically pleasing throughout the year with our Water Treatment Plant Reverse Osmosis System. We thank the Federal and Provincial governments for providing us the National and Regional Projects funding and giving us the opportunity to make our community a better place to call home, as well as attract new residents and businesses to Lanigan."

Mayor Andrew Cebryk, Town of Lanigan

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The complete list of identified projects in Saskatchewan:

Associated links

Investing in Canada, the Government of Canada's new $120 billion infrastructure plan:

Federal infrastructure investments in Saskatchewan:

The Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component - National and Regional Projects:

New Building Canada Plan:

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Web: Infrastructure Canada


The governments of Canada and Saskatchewan have jointly announced funding for the following new water and wastewater projects through the Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component - National and Regional Projects.

Below is the list of the approved projects and their descriptions:

Municipality Project Title Project Description Federal Funding Provincial Funding
Town of Lumsden Wastewater Treatment Facility The new facility will be able to handle wastewater from residential and commercial development in the town and in the Rural Municipality of Lumsden, particularly in the Joint Planning Area around the Town of Lumsden, while having the capacity to accommodate a growth in population. It will also be better equipped to protect the surrounding environment, including the Qu'Appelle River - a major continental waterway that supports many aquatic species and rare or endangered native plant species. $6,766,000 $6,766,000
Île-à-la-Crosse, Dore Lake, Pinehouse, La Loche, Creighton, and Beauval Northern Drinking Water Supply, Treatment and Reservoir Upgrades New and upgraded facilities in six Northern Saskatchewan communities will improve drinking water quality for these northern municipalities and contribute to economic growth in the region. The projects have been identified as part of the ongoing Northern Water and Sewer program, which manages the water and sewer assets of northern communities and is administered through the Northern Municipal Trust Account (NMTA), a provincial government agency. $5,088,583 $5,088,583
Town of Lanigan Water & Wastewater Treatment Systems Upgrade The two new wells and upgraded water treatment process in Lanigan will improve the quality of drinking water for residents, businesses, and institutions in the town and area for the next 20 years. And the expansion of the town's lagoon will improve the performance of the wastewater treatment system, protect the environment and support the town's growth by allowing further subdivision expansion and commercial lot development. $2,045,000 $2,045,000

The Provincial-Territorial Infrastructure Component - National and Regional Projects:

For more information on the individual projects in the above list, please direct your questions to the communities themselves.

Contact Information:

Brook Simpson
Press Secretary
Office of the Minister of Infrastructure and Communities

Dauna Ditson
Government Relations

Darcie Cooper
Chief Administrative Officer
Town of Lumsden

Brad Henry
Executive Director
Northern Municipal Services

Andrew Cebryk
Town of Lanigan

Infrastructure Canada
Toll free: 1-877-250-7154