Source: BTV - Business Television

BTV Delves Into Impact Investing

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Aug. 11, 2016) - BTV-Business Television - Part 2 on the growing trend of Impact Investing. "Individual investors, family offices, foundations and pension funds are all represented in this class of investing. It's more than a trend, this reflects investors' values moving into the future," stated Julie Durant, Creator of the Impact Investment Forum. Full Episode

On BNN on Sat Aug 13 & Sun Aug 14, 2016 - on National TV, BTV-Business Television dives into impact investing with:

KPMG, Tania Carnegie, Leader Impact Ventures shares what's important about impact investing Video, the new manner in which people are investing, Video the rewards, Video and the future of this space Video.

Lundin Foundation, Stephen Nairne, Managing Director, on bringing power to the poor communities Video why investing is changing Video and thoughts on value investing. Video

Radius, Donovan Wollard, Director of SFU Innovation and Venture Lab explains objectives of impact investing, Video how Radius is helping entrepreneurs transform into radical doers Video and his why. Video

Lingo Media (TSX VENTURE:LM), Michael Kraft, President and CEO, on changing the way the world learns English. Video

Pique Ventures, Bonnie Foley-Wong, CEO, on critical investment decisions Video, changing business culture Video and why we should commit to this space Video

Hempco (TSX VENTURE:HFF), Don Mosher, Marketing Director, on the re-emergence of the largest industrial crop in the world. Video

Avivagen (TSX VENTURE:VIV), Cameron Groome, CEO, on developing products to replace antibiotics in livestock feed. Video

BTV, a half-hour weekly investment news program, profiles emerging companies across the US and Canada to bring investors information for their portfolio. With Host Taylor Thoen, BTV features companies at their location, interviews the company's key executives and features their business.


CANADA: BNN - Saturday Aug 13 @ 8:00pm Sunday, Aug 14 @ 9:30pm EST

Bell Express Vu - Saturday Aug 13 @ 8:00pm Sunday, Aug 14 @ 9:30pm EST

Air Canada Seatback TV Business Channel - Oct/Nov 2016

U.S. National:

Biz Television Network - Sun Aug 21 @ 1:00am & 7:30pm EST, Sat Aug 27 @ 12:00pm EST

The Impact Investment Forum takes place annually in Vancouver, British Columbia. Visit for more information or call Julie Durant 778-238-0449.

Contact Information:

BTV - Business Television
Trina Schlingmann
(604) 664-7401x 3