Source: BSG PR

Personal Success, Says 'Fearless' Founder, May Be Rooted in Style

LOS ANGELES, CA--(Marketwired - August 15, 2016) - Dave Stultz, founder of men's success site, believes that while beauty may be only skin deep, men's poor fashion sense is often a bottomless pit of despair that can negatively affect personal achievement and growth.

Stultz, along with his 'Fearless' co-founder Brian Begin, has successfully helped men shift personal perspective to overcome anger, communicate effectively, boost confidence and even take steps without a walker. But when it comes to style and fashion choices, Stultz often finds himself waging an uphill battle.

Transforming one's wardrobe can often be a difficult task, says Stultz, because men have gotten particularly attached to their track pants, Star Wars T-shirts and dirty sneakers over the years.

"Men's fashion is a difficult topic for most men who see it as a chore as opposed to an expression of one's self," said Stultz. "The idea of complementary colors, fit, layering, textures, suits, accessories and such is mind-boggling."

Enhancing one's personal image, says Stultz, gives men a distinct advantage personally and professionally. "Go shopping with a woman with a basic understanding of fashion and you will quickly realize how easy we have it, guys."

Personal style can be as simple as including a unique 'statement piece' to a properly fitting outfit. "Even small fashion tweaks, personal touches, can make a world of difference and a truly memorable first impression," said Stultz.


In 2013 dating & lifestyle coaches Brian Begin and Dave Stultz launched their first collaborative workshop that planted the seeds of, the personal improvement site that helps men push through fear, live courageously and get high impact results in all areas of their lives. FEARLESS brings out clients' confidence and connection skills from their core so they can succeed at elite levels and build their true dream life.

Whether teaching in workshop or private-coaching formats, Begin and Stultz put heavy attention to detail on each client's challenges through belief, thought and philosophy restructuring and real-world exercises to remove personal stumbling blocks so that natural confidence, communication and connection skills rise to the surface.

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Brian Gross