Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc: Half year financial report for January-June 2016

Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc's Half year financial report for January-June 2016
Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc
Stock Exchange Release
15 August 2016 at 10 am (CET +1)

Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc's Half year financial report for 1 January - 30 June 2016
A pdf-document containing the Half year financial report for 1 January - 30 June 2016 is attached to this release. The Report in PDF format can be also found at https://www.spkeskuspankki.fi.


Further information:
Teemu Salmi, Senior Communication Manager 

Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc belongs to the Savings Banks Amalgamation. The role of the Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc is to ensure the liquidity and borrowing activities of the Savings Banks Group. It acquires funds and operates in the money markets and capital markets on behalf of the Group as well as manages payment transfers. The Central Bank also manages the internal balancing of the Group's liquidity.
Read more: www.spkeskuspankki.fi, www.saastopankki.fi


Central Bank of Savings Banks Finland Plc's Half year financial report