Source: Battery Ventures

Glassdoor Partners With Cloud Investor Battery Ventures to Reveal the 50 Highest-Rated Private Cloud Computing Companies To Work For

Asana, Greenhouse Software Take Top Spots; List Highlights Power of the Cloud

BOSTON, MA and MILL VALLEY, CA--(Marketwired - Aug 25, 2016) - Battery Ventures, a global investment firm that backs cloud companies, and Glassdoor*, the world's most transparent jobs and recruiting marketplace, have partnered to reveal the 50 Highest Rated Private Cloud Computing Companies To Work For. As more critical tech infrastructure systems and software are delivered through the cloud, these companies represent those where employees report the highest levels of satisfaction at work, according to employee feedback shared on Glassdoor.

The highest ranked companies -- all larger, privately held firms with 200 or more employees -- deliver a broad range of business services, from team-collaboration software to IT automation to technology that helps companies recruit new employees, design better products and bolster cybersecurity. The report also includes data on whether employees approve or disapprove of their companies' CEOs and gauges their view on how their company's business will perform in the next six months (though these additional data points did not impact the overall company ratings or rankings).

"This list provides a window into which private, business-focused cloud companies are generating the most excitement among employees -- one key proxy for company health, and part of the broader business trend we see today around transparency on the Internet," said Neeraj Agrawal, a Battery general partner who specializes in cloud investing. "We look forward to tracking these standouts as they mature and to watching smaller, up-and-coming cloud startups make the list in future years." Agrawal also serves on the board of Glassdoor.

Agrawal called cloud computing "one of the mega-trends in the technology ecosystem" and a key driver for technology M&A in recent years. And with only a fraction of all software now delivered via the cloud, the cloud market is poised to grow significantly, he said.

For reporting simplicity, the company ratings below are rounded to the nearest tenth of a point, though actual calculations extend beyond the thousandth to determine rank. The ratings are based on a five-point scale, with 1.0 denoting "very dissatisfied," 3.0 indicating "OK" and 5.0 signaling "very satisfied."

The 50 Highest Rated Private Cloud Computing Companies To Work For are:

Glassdoor, Battery Ventures 50 Highest Rated Private Cloud Computing Companies To Work For
Rank   Name   Overall Company Rating  
CEO Name
  CEO Approval Rating   Positive Business Outlook Rating
1   Asana   4.9   Dustin Moskovitz   100%   99%
2   Greenhouse Software   4.9   Daniel Chait   99%   100%
3   WalkMe   4.9   Dan Adika   98%   93%
4   Chef Software*   4.9   Barry Crist   100%   100%
5   Sprout Social   4.9   Justyn Howard   98%   98%
6   Grovo   4.9   Jeff Fernandez   99%   97%
7   Procore Technologies   4.9   Tooey Courtemanche   99%   97%
8   PagerDuty   4.8   Jennifer Tejada   n/a   100%
9   Addepar   4.8   Eric Poirier   100%*   88%*
10   nCino   4.8   Pierre Naudé   93%*   94%
11   Sisense*   4.7   Amir Orad   100%*   92%*
12   Duo Security   4.7   Dug Song   100%   100%
13   ScienceLogic   4.7   David Link   100%   99%
14   HireVue   4.7   Mark Newman   100%   96%
15   Smartsheet   4.6   Mark Mader   100%   90%
16   Base CRM   4.5   Uzi Shmilovici   94%*   86%*
17   Demandbase   4.5   Chris Golec   96%   86%
18   Okta   4.5   Todd McKinnon   98%   94%
19   SimpliVity   4.5   Doron Kempel   n/a   89%
20   Tradeshift   4.5   Christian Lanng   97%*   86%*
21   AppDirect   4.5   Nicolas Desmarais,
Daniel Saks
  95%   97%
22   Couchbase   4.5   Bob Wiederhold   n/a   90%*
23   Veracode   4.5   Bob Brennan   94%   83%
24   DocuSign   4.4   Keith Krach   97%   90%
25   Alteryx   4.4   Dean Stoecker   93%   88%
26   SendGrid   4.4   Sameer Dholakia   93%*   90%
27   Prezi   4.4   Peter Arvai   91%*   77%
28   Taulia   4.4   Cedric Bru   100%*   88%
29   Malwarebytes   4.4   Marcin Kleczynski   90%   88%
30   BloomReach*   4.3   Raj De Datta   93%*   74%*
31   Nutanix*   4.3   Dheeraj Pandey   98%   91%
32   Work Market   4.3   Stephen Dewitt   91%*   76%
33   Coupa Software*   4.3   Rob Bernshteyn   89%   88%
34   MongoDB   4.3   Dev Ittycheria   90%   82%
35   Domo   4.3   Josh James   89%   86%
36   ZipRecruiter   4.3   Ian Siegel   89%   82%
37   GoodData   4.2   Roman Stanek   84%   76%
38   AppDynamics*   4.2   David Wadhwani   93%   90%
39   Venafi   4.2   Jeff Hudson   99%   78%
40   Zuora   4.2   Tien Tzuo   90%   77%
41   Medallia   4.2   Borge Hald   98%   86%
42   Sprinklr*   4.2   Ragy Thomas   90%   79%
43   Aryaka Networks   4.2   Shawn Farshchi   99%   87%
44   Freshdesk   4.1   Girish Mathrubootham   98%   76%
45   Icertis   4.1   Samir Bodas   97%*   88%
46   Mirantis   4.1   Alex Freedland   81%*   77%
47   Dropbox   4.1   Drew Houston   77%   71%
48   Intacct*   4.1   Robert Reid   90%   80%
49   Mixpanel   4.1   Suhail Doshi   77%   78%
50   Accela   4.1   Maury Blackman   83%   81%

Employees at these highly rated companies commonly mention in online reviews that they enjoy working for mission-driven companies with strong and unique company cultures; employers that embrace and promote transparency; and companies with experienced senior leadership teams who regularly and clearly communicate with employees.

  • "(T)he biggest perk of Asana is the company culture. From top to bottom, there is a strong focus on keeping employees engaged and empowered. Employees are treated with a level of trust that I haven't seen at any other company." -- Asana Data Scientist (San Francisco, CA)

Glassdoor currently holds millions of workplace reviews, ratings and insights shared by employees anonymously on approximately 580,000 companies around the world. Currently, the average company rating on Glassdoor is 3.3(1). When an employee submits a company review on Glassdoor, he or she is asked to give their opinion on some of the best reasons to work for their employer (pros), any downsides (cons), and is encouraged to provide advice to management. Employees are also asked to rate how satisfied they are with their employer overall, among several other workplace attributes employees can rate and review.

Methodology: This report identifies private cloud computing companies that are highest rated on Glassdoor, based on company ratings shared by employees. To be considered, a private cloud company must have received at least 30 company reviews on Glassdoor as of 8/2/16. The report tracks private cloud companies that, according to data from research service Mattermark, are based in the U.S., have a B2B business model, 200 or more employees (as of 7/15/16), and have raised funding over the past three years (on or after 7/1/13). A company's CEO approval rating and positive business outlook rating -- indicating the percentage of employees who believe their employer's business will get better in the next six months -- was not taken into account to determine rank or overall company rating, though we display these added data points for additional insight and perspective into each of these companies.

*By a company name, denotes a Battery investment. For a full list of all Battery investments and exits, please click here.
*Next to CEO approval rating or positive business outlook rating denotes the data is based on less than 30 ratings.

About Battery Ventures
Battery strives to invest in cutting-edge, category-defining businesses in markets including software and services, Web infrastructure, consumer Internet, mobile and industrial technologies. Founded in 1983, the firm backs companies at stages ranging from seed to private equity and invests globally from offices in Boston, the San Francisco Bay Area and Israel. Follow the firm on Twitter @BatteryVentures, visit our website at and find a full list of Battery's portfolio companies here.

About Glassdoor
Glassdoor is the most transparent jobs and recruiting marketplace that is changing how people search for jobs and how companies recruit top talent. Glassdoor combines free and anonymous reviews, ratings and salary content with job listings to help job seekers find the best jobs and address critical questions that come up during the job search, application, interview and negotiation phases of employment. For employers, Glassdoor offers job posting, recruiting and employer branding solutions to help attract high-quality candidates at a fraction of the cost of other channels. In addition, Glassdoor operates one of the most popular job apps on iOS and Android platforms. Launched in 2008, Glassdoor has raised approximately $200 million from Google Capital, Tiger Global, Benchmark, Battery Ventures, Sutter Hill Ventures, DAG Ventures, Dragoneer Investment Group, funds and accounts advised by T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. and others.

(c) 2016 Glassdoor, Inc. Glassdoor is a registered trademark of Glassdoor, Inc.

(1) Glassdoor Internal Data, July 2016

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Battery Ventures:
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GMK Communications for Battery

Scott Dobroski