Source: Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems

Royal Netherlands Navy Evaluate Their New Low Frequency Active Passive Sonar at Sea

DARTMOUTH, NOVA SCOTIA--(Marketwired - Dec. 2, 2016) - Based on the results of this month's Operational Evaluation trial of their new Low- Frequency Active Passive Sonar (LFAPS) aboard one of the Royal Netherlands Navy's

M class frigates, Lieutenant-General Rob Verkerk, Commander of the Royal Netherlands Navy, tweeted "Testing with Low Frequency Active Passive Sonar (LFAPS) onboard HMNS Van Amstel. Quantum Leap in the field of submarine warfare!"

The OPEVAL was conducted over several days in conjunction with a WALRUS class submarine and a NH-90 helicopter, which was fitted with a low frequency, dipping sonar. The trial demonstrated the LFAPS's abilities to mono-statically and bi-statically detect and track a diesel-electric submarine, in challenging environmental conditions, in littoral waters.

Ultra Electronics Maritime Systems is pleased to have supported the Dutch Defence Materiel Organisation (DMO) through the development of LFAPS hardware; the LFAPS processing software was developed by the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO).

About Ultra Electronics

Ultra Electronics is a group of businesses which manage a portfolio of specialist capabilities, generating highly differentiated solutions and products in the defence and aerospace, security and cyber, transport and energy markets, by applying electronic and software technologies in demanding and critical environments to meet customer needs.

About Netherlands Organisation for applied scientific research (TNO)

TNO provides innovative contributions to the advance of comprehensive security and is a strategic partner of the Netherlands Ministry of Defence. The organisation uses acquired knowledge for and together with contractors to develop solutions for military operations, military equipment, command & control, operational decision making, threat protection, training and simulation. TNO collaborates with the defence industry and with small and medium-sized enterprises to develop innovative solutions.

About Netherlands Defence Material Organisation (DMO)

DMO ensures that military personnel in the Netherlands armed forces have modern, robust and safe materiel to work with. The DMO is involved in the development, procurement, maintenance and sale of materiel.

Contact Information:

Dr. Fred Cotaras
Head of Sales and Marketing