Source: Ontario Federation of Labour

Ontario Federation of Labour invites Ontarians to a telephone town hall on the Changing Workplaces Review and winning decent work for all on March 7 at 7 p.m.

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - March 6, 2017) - The Ontario Federation of Labour invites all Ontarians to join a telephone town hall on Tuesday, March 7 at 7 p.m. to discuss the Changing Workplaces Review. Right now, Ontario has an opportunity to make sure that workers are protected under the Employment Standards Act and the Labour Relations Act, so that every job in Ontario is a decent job.

"Our employment and labour laws are outdated and do not reflect the reality of work in today's economy," said OFL president Chris Buckley. "The rise in insecure work leaves millions of workers struggling to make ends meet and this situation will only get worse if strong action is not taken quickly."

With the recommendations from the Changing Workplaces Review expected in the spring, the coming weeks are a crucial window where we can tell our MPPs about the changes that are sorely needed to Ontario's labour and employment laws.

The OFL encourages Ontarians to get involved in this important effort to secure better employment and labour laws for today's workers and the workers of tomorrow.

"This review is going to make a difference to all workers in Ontario, whether they are part of a union or not. We need to make sure that all MPPs know what they can do to stop the rise of precarious work and ensure that every job in Ontario is a decent job," said OFL president Chris Buckley.

Those who want to participate in the town hall should register at:

To join the call at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday March 7, please dial 1-877-229-8493 and enter the ID code: 116429.

The OFL's campaign takes on issues of inequality in the workforce, and coincides with the province's "Changing Workplaces Review." The campaign gives voice to unions' demands for across-the-board changes to the Employment Standards Act and the Labour Relations Act that would improve standards for every worker and make it easier for them to join a union.

The OFL represents 54 unions and one million workers in Ontario. For information, visit and follow @OFLabour on Facebook and Twitter.

Contact Information:

Meagan Perry
Director of Communications
Ontario Federation of Labour