
WebCE(R) Recognized as a Best Company to Work for in Texas

DALLAS, TX--(Marketwired - March 13, 2017) - WebCE was named in the Best Companies to Work for in Texas list for 2017 from Texas Monthly, the Texas Association of Business (TAB), Texas SHRM and Best Companies Group. This statewide survey and awards program was designed to identify, recognize and honor the best 100 places of employment in Texas, benefiting the state's economy, workforce and businesses.

WebCE's headquarters is located in Dallas, Texas. It offers an energetic, fast-paced and technology focused workplace to support and encourage a growing workforce in the highly competitive North Texas market.

"Creating a culture that attracts and retains smart, talented people in a fun and connected way has been an important component for our success," said Jennifer Haworth, President of WebCE. "It is an honor to be recognized as a Best Company to Work for in Texas and I look forward to our bright future."

The full list of 2017 100 Best Companies to Work for in Texas will be revealed for the first time at the Texas Association of Business (TAB) Best Companies to Work for in Texas Awards Dinner and Celebration on March 23, 2017 at the Sheraton Austin in Austin, Texas. Winners will also be profiled by Texas Monthly in a special publication that will be released in conjunction with the event.

For more information on the Best Companies to Work for in Texas program, visit

About WebCE®: WebCE, a wholly-owned subsidiary of International Risk Management Institute, is the leading provider of online education and training for business professionals. Each year we deliver over 1,000,000 online courses to working individuals and corporations nationwide. At WebCE, we strive to understand the unique needs and challenges of our customers, and are dedicated to providing the best online education experience every day. For more information, go to or call our toll-free customer support at 877-488-9308.

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