Source: Cutting Edge Information

At Top Global Pharma Companies, Market Access Activities Begin at Least 16 Months Prior to Launch

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC--(Marketwired - March 30, 2017) - Surveyed Top 10 and Top 50 global companies begin pharmaceutical market access activities on average at least 16 months ahead of product launches, according to a study by business intelligence provider Cutting Edge Information.

The study, Managing Market Access Launch Activities: Benchmarking Product Commercialization and Cross-Functional Coordination, revealed that market access activities start times range from 36 months pre-product launch to beginning right at launch, however, surveyed global companies' average start times are typically more than a year prior to launch.

Among surveyed groups, Top 10 and Top 50 company headquarters typically begin general market access activities earlier than affiliates or small companies, at an average 16.2 months prior to launch. These large companies also report the earliest start time -- at 36 months pre-launch.

Companies with large portfolios (with 16 or more products) and small portfolios (1-5 products) report the same range for beginning market access activities: 24 months pre-launch to 0 months pre-launch. However, companies with large portfolios begin these activities on average nearly 3 months sooner -- at 15.4 months versus 12.8 months pre-launch. Companies with mid-range portfolios report the earliest market access start date, at 36 months prior to product launch. On average, these surveyed companies begin market access activities at 19.8 months pre-launch, sooner than those companies surveyed with large and small portfolios.

"For companies to successfully craft and implement a successful market access strategy, they need to allocate both talent and resources to support brands early in the product lifecycle," said Adam Bianchi, senior director of research at Cutting Edge Information. "Drug and device companies must be able to follow changing economic and regulatory trends to determine pricing and reimbursement strategies."

Average ideal start times for general market access activities range from 17 months pre-launch at surveyed companies with small portfolios to 24 months at companies with mid-range portfolios. Minimum and maximum ideal start times are similar across most organizations and portfolio sizes -- from 36 months pre-launch to 6 months pre-launch.

Among surveyed companies, Top 10 and Top 50 company affiliates report the highest average ideal start time at 21.4 months prior to launch. Surveyed global firms with mid-range portfolios report the earliest average ideal start date: 24 months prior to product launch. Companies surveyed with large portfolios follow at 18.9 months pre-launch, and those with small portfolios report an average ideal of 17 months pre-launch.

Managing Market Access Launch Activities: Benchmarking Product Commercialization and Cross-Functional Coordination, available at, analyzes pharmaceutical market access teams before and during the crucial launch window. The analysis includes key market access activity metrics, such as spending, staffing, and internal coordination leading up to product launch. Report highlights include:

  • Benchmarks on global launch sequencing
  • Spending by market access function before, during, and after launch
  • Data showing number of managed market account managers during the launch window
  • Trends in health economics delivery channels to external stakeholders

For more information about market access activities and how to position your product in new markets with sound data and a strong reimbursement profile, please download the brochure report at:

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Contact Information:

Elio Evangelista
Senior Director of Commercialization
Cutting Edge Information