Source: NinthDecimal

NinthDecimal Introduces First Complete Cross-Device Native Ad Solution

Combining Native Advertising with Custom Audiences and Offline Attribution Drives Consumer Engagement for Marketers

SAN FRANCISCO, CA--(Marketwired - Apr 12, 2017) - NinthDecimal, the marketing platform powered by location data, today announced the release of the first native ad solution to combine Location Graph™ audiences and Location Conversion Index™ into a single offering for marketers. NinthDecimal native ads, available across mobile web, mobile app and desktop, deliver relevant and engaging content within a publisher's environment. Positioned alongside organic content, cross-device native ads from NinthDecimal create a seamless and non-intrusive experience for users.

"The effectiveness and engagement that native ads can produce is increasingly becoming a strong value proposition for marketers that want to seamlessly enhance the user experience with sponsored content," said David Staas, president of NinthDecimal. "By combining high-performing, relevant audiences with the effectiveness of native ad formats, we are delivering an unparalleled level of relevance, reach and high engagement for marketers."

The new native in-feed ad solution by NinthDecimal expands upon the company's robust portfolio of media offerings including the industry's first location-powered dynamic-creative ad unit -- Compass -- mobile rich media solutions, mobile video, desktop video and desktop creative solutions. According to BI Intelligence, native display ad revenue in the US1, will make up 74 percent of total US display ad revenue by 2021, up from a 56 percent share in 2016.

NinthDecimal's new solution enables marketers to combine the benefits of native ads with the most sophisticated audience targeting available. Using Location Graph™, the industry-leading audience intelligence platform, NinthDecimal creates an average of 10,000 custom audiences annually for major brands, built on the signals that deliver the best campaign reach and accuracy, including location, lifestyle behaviors, shopping behaviors, purchase behaviors, TV viewing behaviors and others. Through NinthDecimal's data on-boarding solutions for brands' first-party data, native ads can be activated with their own, or enhanced, customer segments when applied to NinthDecimal's physical-world behavioral insights. By creating advanced contextual-based native ads with insight from physical-world behavior, marketers can better target specific audiences, thereby increasing the engagement with current and potential customers. NinthDecimal native ads can also be ported across multiple media channels for campaign activation on premium publishers. The new native ads offering is supported by NinthDecimal's in-house creative team.

Marketers can further close the loop on the impact and effectiveness of native ads through NinthDecimal's offline attribution solution, Location Conversion Index™ (LCI™), giving marketers an understanding of how well sponsored content drives foot traffic into brand locations. In addition, LCI™ provides marketers with insights into how well native ads perform compared to other media and how different content creatives drive greater conversions by audience.

The pairing of highly engaging creative with location-based audience intelligence is generating strong demand from marketers, with NinthDecimal's media campaign volume growing by over 200 percent last year. Adding native ads to NinthDecimal's managed media services business will continue to feed this accelerating market demand.

About NinthDecimal
NinthDecimal is the marketing platform powered by location data. It harnesses this data to build a precise understanding of consumers' physical world behavior. Fortune 500 companies and marquee brands activate this customer intelligence through audience targeting, measurement, insights and data licensing solutions. By filling the gap in understanding how consumers spend the majority of their time, NinthDecimal provides marketers a new model of the customer journey for impactful engagement.

NinthDecimal processes trillions of data points from over 135MM unique devices every month to power its product suite. Location Graph™ is the most precise audience intelligence technology in the market. Location Conversion Index™ (LCI™) is the leading offline attribution solution with over 200 integrated media and advertising partners. NinthDecimal's unique household to device matching capability bridges online and offline data, powering omnichannel offerings that include partnerships with leading companies. NinthDecimal has been recognized as one of the most rapidly growing, innovative companies.

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1 Includes native in-feed ads on publisher properties and social platforms

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