Sahaja Yoga Celebrates 47th World Realization Day

Sahastrara Day

TORONTO, May 05, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On May 5, 2017 practitioners of Sahaja Yoga will celebrate the 47th Anniversary of World Realization Day, also known as Sahastrara Day. 

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The first Sahastrara day occurred in 1970 when Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi was meditating on the many problems of humanity on a lonely beach in Nargol, India. She experienced a blissful divine energy filling Her whole being and Her seventh chakra (the Sahastrara), opened up.  This  triggered a unique spiritual awakening called self-realization.

Self-realization has been written about in ancient Indian texts and discussed by sages throughout the ages.  However, actually achieving self-realization has been an elusive endeavour for many who have tried.  After Her experience in Nargol, Shri Mataji developed a method whereby everyone who wanted to could achieve self-realization by opening their Sahastrara chakra and experience the true meditative state of thoughtless awareness. This method continues to be taught to many through a meditation called Sahaja Yoga.

Over a forty-year period, Shri Mataji’s vision for a world of peaceful, balanced, enlightened people grew from a handful of devotees to an internationally recognized movement, which led to Her receiving the United Nations Peace Medal and nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize. She has built hospitals, schools, music and art academies, shelters for abused women and children, based around the practice of Sahaja Yoga, in addition to the all-important Sahaja Yoga centres for meditation. 

Although Shri Mataji passed away in 2011, Her legacy lives on in the lives and community work of Her followers around the world. She repeatedly explained that every person has the right to obtain their self-realization free of charge, and the process of delivering self-realization to anyone who asks for it carries on today as strongly as when she offered the experience in person at countless public programs.

The 5th of May could one day be recognized as the most important anniversary in the history of humanity. Until then, it will serve as a universal and loving memorial to the guru of gurus and teacher of teachers who brought tangible, meaningful spirituality to the modern world.

In Shri Mataji’s own words, "You cannot know the meaning of life until you are connected to the power that created you." It is that connection that she sought to give to so many. For more information on Sahaja Yoga meditation please visit our Web site,, or tune in to a weekly live stream class every Tuesday at 8:00 p.m. EDT (North America) at

Vishwa Nirmala Dharma Educational Society/Sahaja Yoga International is a world-wide non-profit organization dedicated to teaching people how to mediate to connect with the Divine energy that created them and provide education on our collective spiritual roots.  The principles on which Sahaja Yoga International is based are morality, spirituality, mutual help in our evolution, search for truth, and healing our problems using our inner potential on an individual and collective level.  Free classes are offered throughout Canada and the world. Information on locations and times can be found on our website:



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