amplifire Offers Free Cybersecurity Training Module in Response to Worldwide Surge in Cyberattacks

Boulder, Colorado, June 08, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

amplifire, the industry leader in brain-based, scientifically proven adaptive learning software used by global healthcare, education, and Fortune 500 companies, today launched a free trial of its new course, Cybersecurity in the Workplace – Protecting Systems and Information. In developing this course, amplifire partnered with BlacKnight Cyber Security International, a cybersecurity firm offering threat vector solutions, cyber wargames, certification training, and top secret/SCI staffing.

The course equips employees, through brain science “triggers,” with the basic knowledge necessary to protect their employers from cyberattacks. An additional cybersecurity course, specifically for healthcare organizations, is scheduled for release in June.

A 2015 study from the University of Alabama revealed that three out of four companies view employee negligence as their greatest security threat.[1] Further, a 2016 Pew Research study found 84 percent of American adults use memorization or pen and paper as their only form of password management.[2] The Health Care Industry Cybersecurity (HCIC) Task Force recently released a report on improving healthcare cybersecurity. They remarked that healthcare organizations need “actionable intelligence that allows them to take rapid action to respond to current threats.”[3]

“This cybersecurity module is a useful tool for organizations who want to find and fix cybersecurity misinformation among their workforce,” said Steve Hesse, Lead Content Architect at amplifire. “With financial, legal, and ethical obligations to clients and investors, organizations today need to be especially watchful of security risks and understand the impact a security breach could have on their organization.”

The amplifire platform has the ability to adapt and focus on “struggle areas” until they are mastered and remembered by every employee. Struggle data alerts managers to actionable patterns that would otherwise remain invisible.  Smart refreshers confirm mastery over the data.

Integrated into the platform are 15 triggers, designed by the world’s leading experts in brain science and cognition, that stimulate rapid learning and drive long-term memory. Chief among these triggers is the notion of confidence, which is a predictor of action. amplifire finds and fixes Confidently Held Misinformation™, which are untruths held in the neurons of the learner.

amplifire has found misinformation to be universal across industries. A cross-section from a variety of amplifire modules revealed between 21-37% Confidently Held Misinformation™ among employees in aviation, healthcare, and service industries.

“Confidently Held Misinformation™ is not going to protect your organization from phishing, malware, ransomware, or any other type of cyberattack,” said Nick Hjort, Vice President of Software Product and Development at amplifire.“

amplifire chose to partner with BlacKnight Cyber Security International due to their status as a military-grade cyber security expert organization.  Jim Lacey, President at BlacKnight, said, “we see new and damaging cyber threats daily, so we were excited to partner with amplifire on this very important educational project. More than ever, companies need to proactively arm their employees with tools and information to prevent security breaches that could adversely affect their business.”


For more information, contact Melanie Howard, Vice President of Marketing,, (720) 799-1307.


About amplifire Performance:

amplifire equips organizations with the power to reduce error and financial loss while improving the performance of every worker.  amplifire is a patented online learning system that leverages key findings from neurobiology and cognitive psychology. It helps people quickly acquire the information they need to know, remember it long term, and accurately recall it under pressure. This science-based solution, combined with the software’s advanced algorithms, identifies high-risk, high-liability misinformation and rapidly transforms it into mastery. amplifire can stand alone with full administrator control and data visualization capability, or integrate with any learning management system (LMS).


About amplifire Healthcare Alliance:

The Healthcare Alliance is a network of health systems and hospitals whose mission is to prevent avoidable harm and waste by solving critical problems rooted in misinformation. Members share authoring, learning and analytics platforms, exchange blinded data, and collaborate to manage change and improve processes. Members include Partners Healthcare, Mass General, Providence Health in Seattle, University of Colorado Health in Denver, Intermountain Health in Salt Lake City, and Mercy Health in Cincinnati. 


About amplifire:

amplifire’s mission is to build a smarter, safer, more prosperous world in which people perform at their highest potential. amplifire, a division of Knowledge Factor, a leading software-as-a-service (SaaS) company, makes adaptive online learning platforms that maximize human performance at scale by reducing Confidently Held Misinformation™ leading to risk, loss and harm. Perfected since 2001 by the world’s leading experts in brain science and cognition, amplifire’s patented algorithms and analytics have improved the lives of thousands of professionals, students and patients and saved clients millions of dollars. Learn more about amplifire’s Advanced Education for higher ed, amplifire Performance for the corporate market, and the amplifire Healthcare Alliance for the healthcare industry at

[1] "Infographic: Promoting data security in the workplace," University of Alabama Management Information Systems Program, 2015, <>

[2] “Americans and Cybersecurity,” Pew Research Center, 2016, <>

[3] “Report on Improving Cybersecurity in the Health Care Industry,” The Health Care Industry Cybersecurity Task Force, 2017, <>


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