Source: Stock Market Media Group

CBS Consumer Products Shows Confidence in SPYR's Pocket Starships with Licensing Deal for Star Trek IP

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwired - June 14, 2017) - SPYR, Inc. (OTCQB: SPYR) received what should be viewed as a vote of confidence from CBS Consumer Products in a recently announced licensing deal between the two companies. CBS is licensing its intellectual property (IP) from the long-running Star Trek television series: Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager to SPYR, which can be taken as a vote of confidence by CBS Consumer Products in SPYR and the synergy between CBS's Star Trek IP and SPYR's flagship, free-to-play, MMO game Pocket Starships.

CBS Consumer Products manages worldwide licensing and merchandising for a diverse slate of television brands and series from CBS, CBS Television Studios and CBS Television Distribution, as well as from the company's extensive library of titles, Showtime and CBS Films.

In the deal, CBS Consumer Products will allow for the incorporation of certain Star Trek-based content into Pocket Starships. And given how well-known and popular the science fiction franchise is, a company like CBS is not going to ink a deal for its long-standing IP to just anyone.

SPYR's management has a strong plan to not only use the IP effectively in Pocket Starships, but to market and advertise the game well into the future as well. By inking this deal with SPYR, CBS Consumer Products has shown it has confidence that SPYR can effectively integrate Star Trek characters and possibly even various fighting ships from the franchise into Pocket Starships.

SPYR is wasting no time developing the new content either. The company's development team is already working on expansions of Pocket Starships to include the Star Trek IP. Globally there are millions of "Trekkies" who seek out and buy up anything related to Star Trek, so this new Star Trek content should serve as a great marketing tool and revenue generator for SPYR as it continues to advertise and market Pocket Starships worldwide.

Pocket Starships is a true cross platform game, so players can enjoy the Star Trek content with their friends and fellow Trekkies no matter if they're on their PC or on their mobile device -- all at the same time. Imagine being a long-time fan of Star Trek and now being able to staff your ships in the game with your favorite characters from several of the television series.

With updates on the way that will thrust Pocket Starships into the competitive and fast-growing electronic sports or "esports" arena, the Star Trek IP could very well attract lots of esports gamers to choose Pocket Starships. So, incorporating Star Trek content should also serve as a marketing and revenue winner for SPYR, given that Star Trek is a well-recognized science fiction brand to several generations.

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