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Source: Levyx, Inc.

Levyx Demonstrates Extreme Flexibility of Its Core Helium™ Data Processing Engine by Porting to an Android Cell Phone to Validate Use on Arm-Based Platforms

IRVINE, Calif., Aug. 31, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Levyx Inc., whose high-performance, ultra-low latency data processing software dramatically reduces Big Data infrastructure complexity and costs, announced that the company has successfully run its record-breaking technology natively on a cellular phone powered by Android, a leading mobile device platform. Levyx’s Helium™ software running on Android was able to make optimal use of the cell phone’s onboard memory and process over 1 million transactions/sec. This performance level is made possible by Levyx’s optimizations that allow the phone’s operating system to fully utilize many low power cores and to manage the data access to flash devices like embedded Multi-Media Cards (eMMC). This testing also validates the performance of Levyx’s core data processing engine on ARM-based systems, extending its benefits to multiple CPU platforms.

Reza Sadri, CEO of Levyx, said: “While Levyx remains focused on running peta-scale workloads in high-performance datacenter environments as efficiently as possible, it is important for us to show that our code is readily embeddable and highly-adaptable. Porting Helium to a cell phone serves as another example of how our technology preserves memory usage, which is critical to all systems, large and small. Optimizing memory on cell phones saves power and extends battery life, major focus areas for all mobile device manufacturers.”

The testing further highlights the potential ubiquity of Levyx’s technology by demonstrating that it can be used by almost any system, including the high-end servers found in large enterprise datacenters, all the way down to much smaller devices, which often have similar space, power, and memory constraints. In fact, running Helium in the ARM Android environment required minimal modification to the Helium or Android code.

Mr. Sadri added: “Showing that our technology benefits extend to small portable devices is also a significant validation step toward applying Helium in customer projects involving large-scale Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Our typical target IoT use cases deploy our technology to aggregate large quantities of small objects from the field for analysis and re-disseminate those insights to an extensive network of end-users, often through small, low-power devices.”

The testing was performed on a Samsung Android phone using Snapdragon application processors with a test configuration of 8 threads and object payload of 1K bytes. For more details about the test contact sales@levyx.com.

Helium is available for enterprise consumption. An online demo can be accessed at http://www.levyx.com/helium and a short YouTube video on Helium can be found at http://bit.ly/LevyxHelium.

About Levyx Inc.
Levyx’s software solutions fundamentally disrupt the economics of Big-Data applications, bringing the benefits of high-speed Big-Data processing to all enterprises and commodity hardware. Optimized for all of the latest hardware innovations, Levyx’s products make running large-scale workloads in real-time far more efficient than conventional methods and brings all of the enterprise features required by the most demanding datacenter environments to those interactive data sets. More information is available at www.levyx.com.

Levyx, the Levyx logo, and Helium are trademarks of Levyx Inc.  All other trademarks or brand names referred in this press release are the property of their respective owners.