Source: Osler, Hoskin, Harcourt

Early Warning Report News Release


Item 1 - Security and Reporting Issuer
State the designation of securities to which this report relates and the name and address of the head office of the issuer of the securities.
Common shares of Conifex Timber Inc. (TSX:CFF)
Conifex Timber Inc. (the "Reporting Issuer")
980 - 700 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V7Y 1B6
State the name of the market in which the transaction or other occurrence that triggered the requirement to file this report took place.
Toronto Stock Exchange
Item 2 - Identity of the Acquiror
State the name and address of the acquiror.
Princeton Holdings Limited (the "Acquiror")
705 Fountain Street N.
PO BOX 1510
Cambridge, Ontario
N1R 5T2
State the date of the transaction or other occurrence that triggered the requirement to file this report and briefly describe the transaction or other occurrence.
The Acquiror disposed of 124,800 common shares of the Reporting Issuer (the "Securities") on November 7, 2017. As of the date of this report, the Acquiror's securityholding percentage is 9.25%.
Item 3 - Interest in Securities of the Reporting Issuer
State the designation and number or principal amount of securities acquired or disposed of that triggered the requirement to file the report and the change in the acquiror's securityholding percentage in the class of securities.
This is a closing report of the Acquiror's position of 2,444,500 Securities, representing a securityholding percentage of 9.25%. As of December 2, 2016, the Acquiror held 2,269,300 Securities, representing a securityholding percentage of 10.73%. Since that date, the Acquiror's securityholding percentage has been reduced by 1.48% to below 10%, triggering the requirement to file this report.
State whether the acquiror acquired or disposed ownership of, or acquired or ceased to have control over, the securities that triggered the requirement to file the report.
The Acquiror disposed ownership of Securities.
State the designation and number or principal amount of securities and the acquiror's securityholding percentage in the class of securities, immediately before and after the transaction or other occurrence that triggered the requirement to file this report.
Immediately prior to the transaction that triggered the requirement to file this report, the Acquiror held 2,569,300 Securities, representing a securityholding percentage of 9.72%. Immediately after the transaction that triggered the requirement to file this report, the Acquiror held 2,444,500 Securities representing a securityholding percentage of 9.25%.
State the designation and number or principal amount of securities and the acquiror's securityholding percentage in the class of securities over which the acquiror, either alone or together with any joint actors, has ownership but control is held by persons or companies other than the acquiror or any joint actor.
The Acquiror beneficially owns the Securities set forth above, but control and direction is held by the Investor's discretionary investment manager, Cowan Asset Management Ltd.
Item 4 - Consideration Paid
State the value, in Canadian dollars, of any consideration paid or received per security and in total.
The Acquiror received an average price of CAD $4.61 per Security for the 124,800 Securities sold, for total consideration of CAD $574,803.84.
Item 5 - Purpose of the Transaction
The Securities are being held for investment purposes only and not for the purpose of exercising control or direction over the Reporting Issuer. The disposition was made in the ordinary course of the Acquiror's business or investment activities. The Acquiror has no current plan or proposal which relates to, or would result in acquiring additional ownership or control over the securities of the Reporting Issuer, other than in the ordinary course of business of the Acquiror. The Acquiror may or may not purchase or sell securities of the Reporting Issuer in the future on the open market or in private transactions, depending on market conditions and other factors material to the Acquiror's investment decision.

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