Source: Startup Evo, LLC

Startup Evo Expands Service Offerings, and Robert Brevelle to Manage Venture Capital Fund

Startup Evo Provides Mergers and Acquisitions Services, and Robert Brevelle to Manage 2018 Venture Fund

Dallas, Nov. 22, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Startup Evo, a Dallas-based venture firm, expands its offerings to include Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) services to startups and small cap companies. 

“We recognized the need for these services after being contacted by multiple companies,” said Steven Gehfeld, Director of Operations.  “These companies include startups with less than fifty employees and larger companies with market capitalizations that would put them in the small cap range.”

“The services most in demand include book and general preparations to support due diligence, valuation, and transaction terms. Most companies erroneously focus on just the paperwork and quickly completing the transaction.  Companies should be more focused on maximizing the company’s valuation; otherwise they are leaving serious money on the table.”

“This means establishing a M&A strategy and completing preparation activities before talking to a buyer.  Preparation includes: Improving the brand strength through various means appropriate for their specific industry such as the web site, social media, press releases, and community outreach.  Ensuring the company has documented, and is following good governance and operational policies and processes.  Knowing what key terms you are willing to accept and not accept, such as valuation and earn outs.  And finally, making sure the team is prepared and aligned,” said Mr. Gehfeld.  “Engaging a buyer before you are truly prepared, will only leave you outmaneuvered.”

Other services offered include advisory board, general management and turnaround consulting, and commercialization of intellectual property (IP).

Over the past year, the team at Startup Evo has:
- helped clients win SBIR contracts, grants, and key accounts
- provided board, advisory, marketing, and M&A services to multiple companies
- advised on M&A transactions and spinouts of venture and IP-backed companies
- established strategic partnerships with VC and PE firms totaling over $7B in capital under management
- raised venture funds for early stage investing

The most recent fund is an annual fund that will invest in companies at the series seed through C capital financing rounds in 2018.  Robert Brevelle, Managing Director, will oversee the fund. 

The fund was established earlier this month and has been fully subscribed and funded at $4M. The investment thesis and strategic business plan identified the agritech, aerospace, and cyber security industries as focus areas.

“In general, VC investment activity in 2017 reflects growing investor confidence and enthusiasm in early stage, venture-backed companies,” said Robert Brevelle.  “If we look at the broader global and local marketplaces and their indices, there have been notable pickups in investment, trade, and consumer spending.  These factors, coupled with other healthy macroeconomic conditions, as well as favorable reactions to changes in the U.S. government, fostered an opportunity rich year for investors and entrepreneurs.”

“This year, investment into venture-backed companies is on track to set a new record since 2007.  However, overall deal flow and mega-deals reflect a continuing trend of larger investments but fewer deals.  This aligns with our disciplined approach of due diligence and partnering with larger firms that traditionally lead or syndicate,” said Mr. Brevelle.  “As a result, our 2017 fund overachieved against targets, which bolstered investor confidence and facilitated a significant increase of capital for the 2018 fund.  We remain focused on investment opportunities in agritech and aerospace, and for 2018, cyber security has been added to our target portfolio.”

About Startup Evo:
Startup Evo is a leading accelerator that develops entrepreneurs and startup companies to achieve growth and success. The company manages a venture capital seed fund and invests at the pre-seed, seed, and series A. We lead a global network of investors, mentors, entrepreneurs, corporate partners, and financial institutions to accelerate startups. Our diverse experiences and perspectives allow us to see the critical intersections between talent, ideas, and teams. Together, we unlock potential. Innovation. Acceleration. Wealth Generation. Learn more at