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Source: data.world

AP boosts data journalism productivity with data.world

New data collaboration platform helps The Associated Press quickly, easily, and securely put story-rich data into the hands of local newsrooms – with less time, effort, and cost 

AUSTIN, Texas, March 06, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- data.world today announced that The Associated Press (AP) is using data.world, the platform for modern data teamwork, to make it easier for local newsrooms to discover and use reliable, localized data that enriches reporting.

data.world’s collaborative workspace allows AP to reduce the time spent on data cleaning, preparation, and customer support.

It also offers seamless integration of data into story graphics, makes it easier for less-technical users to interpret data through visual insights, and allows AP’s member news organizations and customers to identify important local stories within national datasets.

“data.world helps us bring the power of data to journalists at all technical skill levels and foster data journalism at resource-strapped newsrooms large and small,” said Troy Thibodeaux,  AP’s interactive newsroom technology editor. “With data.world, we can easily place data into the hands of local newsrooms to help them tell compelling stories. Our data journalists have made it clear that using the data.world platform significantly boosted productivity.”

“More than half of the world’s population sees AP content every day,” said data.world CEO and Co-founder Brett Hurt. “By enabling closer data collaboration between AP and its customers, data.world helps ensure that local communities benefit from the most relevant, informed reporting on the issues that matter most.”

Timely datasets, ready-to-run SQL queries, and clear instructions from AP are integrated into a secure data.world workspace, where AP members and customers can immediately discover, use, and share the data.

Visual insights make it simple for non-technical users to gather key takeaways, while data journalists who wish to dig deeper can access the clean, consistent underlying data within a UI designed for easy export into story graphics. All data is gathered and vetted by AP.

“By combining AP’s comprehensive data journalism with the workflow and community features of data.world, AP is able to provide an end-to-end product experience specifically for the data journalist,” added Ken Romano, AP’s director of products. “It’s a huge benefit to AP’s members and customers.”

AP has for years offered raw data to its member news organizations. It began a data distribution pilot program with data.world in 2017.

About AP
The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. Founded in 1846, AP today is the most trusted source of independent news and information. On any given day, more than half the world's population sees news from AP. On the web: www.ap.org.

About data.world
data.world is the platform for modern data teamwork. It helps you tap into more of your team’s collective brainpower to achieve anything with data, faster. The Austin-based Public Benefit Corporation and Certified B Corporation® serves the enterprise, journalism, and public sector communities by speeding up data work and creating shared context to preserve and perpetuate essential project knowledge. Visit data.world and follow @datadotworld and facebook.com/datadotworld for more information.

Media Contact:
Renee Newby, Brady PR
(757) 641-6554