Source: Sundial Growers Inc.

Sundial Forms Strategic Partnership with Plantbiosis Ltd. and Welcomes Dr. Igor Kovalchuk to its Management Team

ROCKY VIEW, Alberta, March 21, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sundial Growers Inc. (“Sundial”) announced today that the company has formed a strategic partnership with Alberta-based medicinal plant research and technology (“R&D”) firm Plantbiosis Ltd. (“Plantbiosis”). Sundial is also pleased to welcome Plantbiosis Founder and University of Lethbridge Professor, Dr. Igor Kovalchuk to its Management Team.

“Sundial is thrilled to be working with Dr. Kovalchuk and his world-class team of researchers at Plantbiosis Ltd.,” said Sundial Chief Marketing & Product Officer, Ryan Hellard. “This partnership will allow Sundial to develop innovative cannabis cultivars and fund research on the potential impacts of various strains.”

Dr. Kovalchuk founded and leads Plantbiosis and is an award winning professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Lethbridge. He is an expert in plant biotechnology and genetic engineering, including plant transformations, tissue culture, next generation sequencing, bioinformatics, and molecular biology.

“Having the opportunity to provide strategic input into a cannabis company is what scientists and researchers like myself get excited about,” said Dr. Kovalchuk. “Partnerships such as this one between Sundial and Plantbiosis are important and will ensure that Canada remains at the forefront of cannabis research and innovation.”

Dr. Kovalchuk holds eight patents in the area of plant transformation and tissue culture. He has long-term expertise in linking basic science to the needs of industry through collaborative and productive efforts with universities and government labs across the world.

About Sundial Growers Inc.
Sundial Growers Inc. (“Sundial”) is a privately held, Alberta-based Health Canada ACMPR-approved licensed producer of medical cannabis. Sundial combines tried and true heartland farming practices with innovative horticultural techniques to grow a select range of cannabis strains. Our focus is on producing consistent cannabis that our customers can trust.

Sundial currently operates a 31,000 square foot production facility in Rocky View, Alberta, and has two separate production facilities in various stages of completion and licensing. By 2020, we expect to be one of the leading cannabis companies in the country with a projected production of over 100 million grams of dry cannabis and the ability to process over 32 million grams of cannabis extracts.

For more information about Sundial Growers Inc., visit

Media Contact:
Claire Buffone-Blair, Director of Communications & Stakeholder Relations
Sundial Growers Inc.
C: 1.403.471.6378