IT – Vasby Co-Location GPS maintenance

As part of Nasdaq’s ongoing maintenance program, Nasdaq will conduct maintenance on the secondary GPS splitter for shared antennas the upcoming weekend. Nasdaq engineers will ensure minimum impact on customer operations during the maintenance. Clients are encouraged to verify GPS signal after the maintenance work has been completed.


Maintenance on the secondary GPS splitter feed to the Co-Location area timings:

  • Saturday April 21st 12:00 CET noon – GPS signal will be lost
  • Saturday April 21st 13:00 CET – GPS signal will be restored


For more information, please contact:

Richard Gaudy
Head of Sales, Europe
Trade Management Services
+46 8 405 6103
Per Wettergren
Head of Business Development, Europe
Trade Management Services
+46 8 405 6382



IT - Vasby Co-Location GPS maintenance.pdf