Source: MetaWorks Platforms, Inc

ICOx Innovations’ First Project the KODAKOne Image Rights Platform, Will Commence it’s SAFT/KODAKCoin Offering May 21, 2018

Los Angeles, CA , May 10, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ICOx Innovations Inc. ( "ICOx Innovations") (OTCPK:ICOX), who is in the business of designing and creating crypto economies is pleased to announce that their client, WENN Digital has announced that their KODAKOne platform and the underlying KODAKCoin will officially commence the $1.00 round of its offering of the Simple Agreement for Future Token (SAFT) on May 21, 2018.

KODAKOne is an image protection, monetization and distribution platform secured in the blockchain, which is expected to launch a beta program in 2018, will provide an image marketplace where users can buy, sell and trade photos based on licensing terms and conditions – serving as a one-stop shop for photographers’ management, protection and distribution needs. The platform will create an encrypted ledger of rights ownership for photographers to protect, manage and monetize their new and archived works – making it significantly cheaper and faster to register, move and sell their digital images.

“ICOx Innovations brought Eastman Kodak and the WENN Digital team together to create the KODAKOne platform and co-architected the KODAKCoin.  We are extremely excited to get this project to this stage. Bringing today’s technology to solve real problems with big brands and executing the process in the most efficient and regulatory compliant manner, we believe we are setting a path in developing what will be a healthy and vibrant crypto industry” said Bruce Elliott, President of ICOx Innovations. 

About ICOx Innovations

 ICOx Innovations, Inc. provides a platform for the design and creation of crypto economies that solve real-world problems with established organizations and to provide operational insights intended to benefit and grow their businesses through the use of blockchain technology and crypto-currencies. The ICOx Innovations ICO platform is compliance driven and combines rigorous strategic planning, capital structure, technical integration and token-economics model development designed to allow its clients to create sustainable economies. For more information go to:

About WENN Digital

WENN Digital, in brand licensee partnership with Kodak, is the creator and operator of the KODAKOne Platform and the KODAKCoin tokens. WENN Digital and its advisors are an experienced development and operations team with expertise in proprietary blockchain development, big data, copyright law, AI-enabled image recognition and post-licensing monetization systems.

More information about KODAKOne’s features and capabilities can be found at

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