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Source: Levyx, Inc.

Serisys and Levyx to Deliver Highly-Efficient Cloud-Scale Securities Processing Solutions

Joint Solution Combines Levyx’s Helium™ and Serisys’ ADYPT into a Highly Optimized, Large-Scale Transaction Processing Platform for the Capital Markets

IRVINE, Calif., May 14, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Levyx Inc. and Serisys Solutions Ltd. announced plans to provide real-time, cost-effective access to the large amount of “static” data required for effective real-time processing of securities transactions through the entire post-trade life cycle. Their joint solution brings together best-of-class technologies from Serisys’ advanced securities processing platform and Levyx’s system software that optimizes the performance of the underlying hardware. More specifically, the solution takes full advantage of the high-performance and low-latency attributes of recent major innovations in storage media, including NVMe SSDs, 3D XPoint from Intel and Micron Technology, and other versions of storage-class memory.

Tim Marsh, CEO of Serisys, said: “At the core of any successful implementation that we do is how seamlessly our platform integrates into our customer’s trading infrastructure. The Levyx team’s domain expertise makes them a great partner and their software stack helps our platform solution achieve peak performance on any hardware in any on-premise or cloud environment. The financial back-office straight through processing (STP) workload is typically heavy for any financial institution’s datacenter. Therefore, partnerships like this one that help lighten the burden for our common customers is a win-win.”

Reza Sadri, CEO of Levyx, said: “There’s tremendous opportunity for solution providers that make transaction-intensive, large-scale back-office operations more efficient in the financial industry. Serisys is an ideal partner for us because their platform solution is designed precisely with that goal in mind and our software is a great fit on the data management side.”

Levyx’s Helium data engine is one of the fastest key-value technologies in production today. It provides a very fast and scalable platform for storing and retrieving data items. It is specifically designed for applications, such as financial STPs that manipulate a large amount of data (billions of data items), while at the same time need to be very responsive; essentially enabling performance characteristics of in-memory data stores in non-volatile memory solutions.

Serisys leverages Levyx’s Helium to implement a cross-transactional cache for large amounts of reference data, making the data available to OLTP processes as if it were memory resident, without the need for a database round-trip. This combination significantly reduces the SQL load on the primary database, enabling the same OLTP load to be supported on a lower specification (typically lower cost) database server.

Consumers today expect their financial institutions to provide them with real-time transaction processing from their smartphones 24x7, across all instruments and markets worldwide, whether traditional or crypto trading venues and OTC markets. The existing disparate, disjointed, overlapping and inflexible systems cannot meet this consumer demand.

Over the last five years, Serisys has built ADYPT, one of the most advanced, cloud-based, post-trade processing systems in the world in order to solve this consumer problem. The ADYPT platform processes all instruments and client information in all markets, 24x7, in real time or at specified settlement times.  Designed to run in any on-premise or cloud environment, ADYPT provides resilience and security, continuous availability across multiple business entities and time zones, linear scalability and complete auditability. ADYPT provides not only real time STP for trades throughout their life cycle of enrichment, validation, agreement, clearing and settlement; but also real time trade break and exception handling workflows with notifications and automatic escalation by elapsed time or deadline. 

Levyx’s Helium datastore allows ADYPT to take advantage of the significant cost and performance benefits of modern NVME SSDs as well as upcoming storage class memory technology to create very large persistent caches accessible across the ADYPT platform at the speed of RAM and utilizing a much more cost effective and smaller hardware footprint.

Levyx and Serisys expect to offer their joint solution for early access users this summer and to be generally available in Q4 2018. Please contact info@levyx.com for additional information.

About Serisys Solutions Ltd.
Serisys is a global financial technology provider to the capital markets headquartered in Hong Kong, with offices in Bangkok and London. To learn more, visit us at www.serisys.com.

About Levyx Inc.
Levyx’s software solutions fundamentally disrupt the economics of Big-Data applications, bringing the benefits of high-speed Big-Data processing to all enterprises and commodity hardware. Optimized for all of the latest hardware innovations, Levyx’s products make running large-scale workloads in real-time far more efficient than conventional methods and brings all of the enterprise features required by the most demanding datacenter environments to those interactive data sets. More information is available at www.levyx.com.

Levyx, the Levyx logo, and Helium are trademarks of Levyx Inc.  All other trademarks or brand names referred in this press release are the property of their respective owners.

Levyx Press Contact:
Luis Morales
(949) 466-2738
Serisys Press Contact:
Nick Rowland
+852 9100 8509