Source: Italeaf S.p.A.

ITALEAF: The Board of Directors approved the results as at 31 March 2018. NAV of Euro 22.7 million.


ITALEAF:  Interim Report January-March 2018
The Board of Directors approved the results as at 31 March 2018. NAV of Euro 22.7 million. Ebitda equal to Euro 0.36 million. Net result equal to Euro 41 thousand.

  • Revenues amounted to € 763 thousand (€ 8.6 million for the Italeaf Group consolidated)
  • EBITDA equal € 361 thousand (€ 1.35 million for the Italeaf Group consolidated)
  • EBIT amounted to € 219 thousand (€ -1.35 million for the Italeaf Group consolidated)
  • EBT equal to € 6 thousand (€ -3.3 million for the Italeaf Group consolidated)
  • Net result amounted to € 41 thousand (€ -2.68 million for the Italeaf Group consolidated)
  • Shareholders' Equity amounted to € 27.7 million (€ 24.8 million for the Italeaf Group consolidated)
  • NFP of € 17.5 million (€ 114.5 million for the Italeaf Group consolidated)
  • NAV equal to € 22.7 million; NAV per share equal to € 1.32

The board of directors of Italeaf, holding company and first Italian company builder active in cleantech and smart innovation sectors, listed on NASDAQ First North, has approved today the interim report as at 31 March, 2018.

Financial highlights*

  As at march, 31 2018 VS march 31, 2017
  in Euro  
Net revenues from sales and services 763,050 -16.9%
EBITDA 360,744 48.2%
EBIT 218,987 142.1%
EBT (Pre-tax result) 6,054 104.3%
Net result 41,022 n.a. %
    VS  December, 31 2017
Shareholders' Equity 27,835,950 0.1%
Total net financial position 17,539,725 2.6%

*Separated Interim Report prepared in accordance with accounting principles ITALIAN GAAP

The NAV of Italeaf amounted to Euro 22.7 million as at 31 March 2018 (Euro 24.1 million as at December 31, 2017; -5.9 NAV per share equal to Euro 1.32.

The Interim Report as at March 31, 2017 in full version and in English will be published on the Company's website and on Nasdaq Inpublic.

This press release is also available on the Company website:

Italeaf SpA is obliged to make public this information pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out below, at 17.30 CET on 31 May 2018.

Certified Adviser
Mangold Fondkommission AB, +46 (0)8 5030 1550, is the Certified Adviser of Italeaf SpA on Nasdaq First North.
For further information please contact: 
Claudio Borgna
CFO - Italeaf S.p.A.

Italeaf SpA, established in December 2010, is a holding company and a business accelerator for companies and startups in the areas of innovation and cleantech. Italeaf operates as a company builder, promoting the creation and development of industrial startups in the fields of cleantech, smart energy and technological innovation. Italeaf has headquarters and plants in Italy at Nera Montoro (Narni), Terni, Milano and Lecce. 
The company controls TerniEnergia, listed on the STAR segment of the Italian Stock Exchange and active in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency and waste management, and Skyrobotic, in the business development and manufacture of civil and commercial drones in mini and micro classes for the professional market, Numanova, operating in the field of innovative metallurgy and additive manufacturing, and Italeaf RE, a real estate company. Italeaf holds a minority stake in Vitruviano LAB, a research center active in the R&D sector for special materials, green chemistry, digital transformation and cleantech.
