Source: enVerid Systems, Inc.

enVerid Wins BUILDINGS Magazine Money-Saving Product Award

enVerid HLR Rooftop Module Saves CAPEX and OPEX in Commercial Buildings

Boston, MA, June 06, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- enVerid Systems, Inc. is proud to announce that its HVAC Load Reduction® system for rooftop deployments, the HLR® 1000E-R, has received the BUILDINGS Magazine 2018 Money-Saving Product award. The BUILDINGS editorial staff recognized the HLR 1000E-R module for its unique ability to reduce upfront HVAC equipment costs while also improving energy efficiency. In addition to these hard cost savings, HLR modules can decrease employee absenteeism and improve productivity due to indoor air quality improvements. enVerid’s HLR technology is highlighted in the HVAC category in the June 2018 print issue of BUILDINGS magazine and online.

“Our customers are excited to have a technology that improves energy efficiency while also decreasing their building capital expenses.  We are honored to be recognized by BUILDINGS for this unique achievement,” said Dr. Udi Meirav, founder and CEO, enVerid Systems Inc. “Spending less money in order to have higher energy efficiency is a significant paradigm shift that HLR technology delivers for real estate developers.”  

HLR technology cleans a building’s indoor air at a nanoscopic molecular level, thereby enabling the building to use 60 – 80% less outside air ventilation while improving indoor air quality.  Because outside air is expensive to cool during the hot summer (and heat during winter), bringing less outside air into the building results in up to 40 percent annual energy savings.  Further, new construction and renovation projects can invest in less expensive, lower capacity HVAC systems and achieve immediate payback by using HLR technology.  New pilot credits for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) allow buildings to earn up to 12 LEED points when designed with HLR modules.

The HLR 1000E-R system builds on the success of enVerid’s HLR modules for mechanical rooms in commercial, government and academic buildings. The 1000E-R is specifically designed for rooftop installation with a double-walled, insulated construction certified for 1,000-hour salt spray.  Like the indoor model, the rooftop HLR supports Internet-of-Things (IoT) and offers continuous monitoring of indoor air quality. 

HLR systems improve indoor air quality by removing indoor air molecular contaminants including carbon dioxide, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and aldehydes.  Better indoor air quality is proven to significantly enhance cognitive performance, productivity, and overall health.  In addition to reducing indoor air contaminants, the HLR system also reduces the intake of polluted air for buildings near highways and city traffic, airports and railways. Studies show that living near highways significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, so minimizing these contaminants in commercial buildings is critical to occupant health.

About enVerid Systems, Inc.
enVerid Systems, Inc. is committed to improving energy efficiency and indoor air quality in buildings worldwide through its innovative, award-winning HVAC Load Reduction® (HLR®) solutions. HLR technology reduces peak cooling and heating loads, thereby lowering upfront HVAC equipment costs and providing immediate payback. Deployed in over 5 million sq ft of commercial, academic, and government buildings, enVerid’s HLR technology is ASHRAE-compliant and has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Green Building Council LEED program, and numerous utility rebate programs. For more information, please visit

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