Craig McConnon does deep digging on electronic dance

The Craig McConnon Group drops whirlwind tour of electronic underground beats

Craig McConnon is turning the world of the DJ upside down with flipped electronic dance hits remastered for high-end gigs that saw eight-hour parties rocking to major B2B beats. “Top DJs today don't just play music, so don't expect your playlist to come out sounding like an LP,” says Craig McConnon. “What you can expect are your old favourites coming up with new surprises with engineered spins on pitch and rhythm.” While that may not sound like everyone's martini, it's certainly seeing great gigs turn out greater with rave reviews coming in weekly.

The Craig McConnon Group has seen a major lift in number of bookings and thanks to foresight and planning, they're keeping up with demand. “I've got my best DJs getting better,” says Craig McConnon. “I'm really pleased with the way they've picked up their skills and after some training trips to Ibiza and Secret Solstice, I can now confidently say we're bringing world class DJ acts to  audiences at home, wherever home might be with the way we roll.”

Craig McConnon has personally overseen the training of his team, setting high standards for hopefuls and pushing promising talent beyond expectation. “We've got regular jamming sessions going with a lot of B2B, switching around, combo acts and the like,” he says. “These are all awesome talents and they're taking the limits on in a big way so we can offer more intense, bigger, better.”

The Craig McConnon Group DJs face a gruelling twelve month trial where they're put through their paces individually and collectively. “It's not an easy ride,” said one DJ. “I thought I was good when I applied but the growth has been phenomenal and none of it was simple.” For one, DJs don't get to just play their list. Each performance goes through its paces before it's allowed to go live and even then, Craig and his team keep a watchful eye. “When we select DJs, we look for pretty specific signs that there's potential there as well as talent,” says Craig McConnon. “We also look very closely at the subtleties that are hard to put a measure on, but I know how to spot them.”

Craig McConnon places a high value on deep digging and that's what the team have been focusing on in ongoing training over the past few months. “We like to highlight the lesser known artists because that's where the trends start and we like to keep just ahead of the game, so if someone's playing XYZ then I guess you can say we look for the root and the square,” says Craig McConnon. “We like to see where that takes us individually and as a group. Nothing stays the same and that's the way it should be. Everything changes and music is that edge where it all happens.”

The Craig McConnon Group recently highlighted what can be done with open licence electronic with moves on Uncan, Carl Phaser, Lobo Loco and the like. “We've been putting some CC tracks down to the wire in practice and in a couple of test gigs and the results are amazing,” Craig McConnon says. “The guys in CC are not less talented and so often it's where we find major gems that do great amped up in a great atmosphere.” Because CC music is largely unplumbed, it's an epic playground for electronic underground mastery.

Craig McConnon also offered some open tips to aspiring DJs out there. “Watch your list and don't let it get old,” he says. “Keep updating and never stop moving behind the scenes or live on the plates. There's always going to be something you're not looking at yet.” He also recommends keeping up to speed with the latest gear. “You might think you've already got the best or have your eye on something, but don't get complacent,” he says. “The tech is moving fast so there's always going to be something that does it better.” At the same time, Craig McConnon advises not to just go for the latest release in tech or in choice of music. “Know what you can do and try stuff out before you commit,” he says. “There's major stuff going down all the time and it's not just having what's out there, it's knowing how to read the floor and master the playlist on the go. That takes skill but more than that, practice and persistence in developing yourself as a DJ and as a person, because it's what you feel that guides the gig.”

The Craig McConnon Group is known for its variety and the current focus on electronic underground doesn't mean house, pop and rock and being left behind. “With DJs today, there's a lot of emphasis on electronic and shifting the pitch and rhythm,” Craig McConnon says. “As much as that's important, you can't stop watching the charts either because that's where the requests come in, so you start with what people want and take them deeper. There should never be a dull moment and you've got to keep a couple of paces ahead to really take a party higher.”

Craig McConnon always stays on top of his game and he expects the same from the talent on his team. “So we've been dredging the underground and finding that bit of more we strive to let out in our gigs, whether they're club dance or custom events,” says Craig McConnon. “I guess the key is flexibility. As a DJ, you can't get too stuck on one genre. You've got to know them all and play them at their best to be the best. Never stop moving.”

About us:
Craig McConnon is a very well known DJ and music artist now based in London after many years of travelling and DJing across the world. He set up the Craig McConnon Group five years ago. Craig performs at multiple venues, including parties, weddings, corporate events, and much more. Craig has over 15 years’ experience in being a DJ and uses the very latest equipment to ensure your event runs as smoothly as possible. To get more information and make a booking with the Craig McConnon Group, you can contact him or his team via their website.