Source: Logz.io

Logz.io Releases DevOps Pulse 2018 for SysAdmin Day, Revealing Most DevOps Departments Fall Short in Security

DevOps Shares in Security at Most Organizations, Yet More Than Two-Thirds of DevOps Professionals Don’t Know Best Practices

BOSTON and TEL AVIV, Israel, July 26, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Logz.io, the leader in AI-powered log analysis, releases the results of their annual DevOps Pulse survey in honor of SysAdmin Day 2018, a day dedicated to honoring the work of SysAdmins and DevOps professionals across the globe. This year, the survey emphasized security and compliance in light of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) enforcement and worldwide concerns over data privacy and the growing threat landscape. The results shed light on a significant gap between the emerging requirements facing DevOps professionals and the level of preparation.

The DevOps Pulse was launched in 2016 to help the DevOps community understand various trends in DevOps methodology, tooling, and more. Each year the survey focuses on a specific issue relevant to the field. The DevOps Pulse 2018, which was launched on May 31, 2018, was open for over a month, closing on July 1, 2018. Over 1,000 DevOps Engineers, SysAdmins, Developers, and other IT professionals from across the globe participated. The questions pertained to the usage of specific DevOps related technologies and methodologies as well as challenges in security implementation for DevOps teams.

Primary insights from the DevOps Pulse include:

  • The tech industry is not ready for GDPR, leaving companies vulnerable to tremendous liabilities and risks: 39% openly admit they are not GDPR-ready or are still working on it.

  • DevOps professionals are responsible for security operations in their organizations, yet they lack the tools and knowledge to handle it effectively: 54% of respondents shared their DevOps department handles security incidents, but 76% do not yet practice DevSecOps and 71% do not feel their team has adequate knowledge of DevSecOps best practices. 

  • The tech industry does not recognize its own diversity problem: 78% of respondents believe their organizations are diverse and 90% believe there are equal opportunities for all genders, yet more than 94% of respondents are male.

  • Kubernetes has taken over DevOps, with adoption growing tremendously over the past two years: In 2016, 72% of respondents did not use container orchestration tools. Today, more than 60% use container orchestration tools, with almost 40% using Kubernetes.

  • CI/CD strategy plays a crucial role in DevOps teams today: 91% are already in the process or thinking about implementing CI and 85% already in the process or thinking about implementing CD.

  • Serverless technology has grown tremendously in just one year’s time: Today, 42% of IT professionals use serverless technology, growing more than 12% in just a year.

“As GDPR was the most discussed topic over the last few years, we wanted to use this year’s DevOps Pulse to examine how DevOps teams are tackling security issues and identify trends and opportunities for improvement,” says Logz.io CEO, Tomer Levy. “The results showed us that although DevOps teams are by and large responsible for at least a portion of their organization’s security operations, DevOps teams have yet to fully integrate security into their regimen.”

With 45 questions pertaining to DevOps trends and security, the DevOps Pulse 2018 is the most extensive report produced by Logz.io to date. Access the report here or contact lauren@logz.io for more information on the study. 

About Logz.io

Logz.io is an intelligent log analytics platform that combines the popular ELK stack as a cloud service and sophisticated machine learning. Logz.io derives insights from machine data, user behavior and community knowledge in a scalable, production-ready platform that enables organizations to resolve issues faster and take operations to the next level.

Lauren Sirt