Strategy/Company/Operations Update

Basis for reporting capital adequacy for owner banks in a cooperating group

Pursuant to section 17-13 of the Financial Institutions Act, the owner banks in Eika Boligkreditt AS and Eika Gruppen AS are required to undertake a proportionate consolidation when calculating capital adequacy and the leverage ratio. As a basis for this reporting, Eika Boligkreditt AS is publishing preliminary figures for the second quarter of 2018. These figures have not been considered by the board of directors. The interim report with final figures from Eika Boligkreditt AS will be published after regular consideration by the board on 14 August 2018, in accordance with the company’s financial calendar.

(Figures NOK 1 000)

Core tier 1 capital           4 331 852

Tier 1 capital                  4 829 705

Total primary capital       5 503 852

Calculation basis           32 077 493

Exposure target*         101 589 758

*For calculating the leverage ratio