Code Pilot Launches Employer "Radar” Product, Makes Hiring Validated Technical Talent a Reality

Austin-Based Startup aims to offer hiring partners a meritocratic tool that is free from unconscious bias and puts the emphasis back on hard skills

AUSTIN, Texas, Sept. 25, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Code Pilot, a new data science platform, launched its “Radar” product today which enables companies to hire software engineers at scale with confidence and intelligence.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics highlights that over 41 million people are searching and being recruited into jobs in the US every year. A massive issue in the current hiring landscape is exposed by the findings of Brandon Hall’s research brief that found a staggering 95 percent of employers surveyed admitted to making hiring mistakes by recruiting the wrong people each year. Code Pilot’s Radar aims to solve this issue by validating candidates and eliminating the noise often caused by cognitive bias.

The Radar product has two distinct offerings:

Test Manager uses advanced automation with a series of proprietary code assessments that measure technical skills, theoretical knowledge, and practical ability. The assessments operate within a timed, live environment and replace the traditional whiteboard exercise during a technical interview. Telemetry data within Test Manager is then validated and shared with all parties, boosting the signal of validated talent and decreasing time to hire.

Database opens up a world of validated talent to hiring partners who can view in-depth portfolios of Code Pilot’s global candidate database. The Database product indexes data throughout an engineer’s open source digital footprint in platforms like GitHub & Bitbucket to create one centralized viewpoint. Over a thousand software engineers already use the database and have completed their dynamic portfolios, which are used to match their skills and experience with compatible companies.

Dave Lemphers, CEO at Code Pilot, believes Radar has the potential to fix this issue. He says that, “The broken recruitment process leads to poor results for everyone involved, meaning that engineers and businesses suffer for it.” He continues to explain, “This tool can help to forge stronger links between the talented engineers out there and the companies that are desperate to find them.”

About Code Pilot

Code Pilot was born in 2017 on a rainy morning in Austin, TX. What started as helping some non-technical co-founders hire their first engineers became a data science company committed to doing its part to transform the technology sector into more of a meritocracy.

If you require more information about this story please feel free to contact Caleb Jones at 775-223-5913, or email

 Contact: Caleb Jones, Code Pilot
Phone: 775-233-5913