Source: Pagedip

Pagedip Calls For An End to Word Processing With First-to-Market Digital Communication Solution

Advanced Authoring Tool Creates Content That Works Like Websites And Acts Like Documents

Boulder, Oct. 02, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pagedip, an award-winning communication solution that seeks to mitigate the shortfalls of old tools for improved content creation, today announced the company’s first-to-market launch in a new category of communication centered around the way we prefer to read and learn.

Pagedip has developed a cloud-based authoring solution designed to bridge the communication gap between content creators and the end consumer. The company’s solution allows organizations to ensure employees and customers always have the most current version of any document, presenting it in a way that facilitates understanding and reader engagement. Pagedip improves the user’s ability to navigate content according to their own style of learning and reading preferences.

“The way we consume content has changed with ubiquitous wifi, mobile devices and video resources. Our shortened attention spans have limited what we take the time to read and even spell, increasing the probability your perfected content is being skimmed by readers,” said Pagedip CEO Sherisse Hawkins. “Pagedip is the solution that allows you to bring depth to digital documents, enabling the reader to read (text), watch (video) and explore (interact) all in the same place, turning a linear reading experience into a multidimensional exploration.”

In the Pagedip platform, content creators utilize the Pagedip writeroom and its drag-and-drop interface to create Pagedips, featuring interactive prose and media blocks that drive deeper reader engagement and understanding. Pagedips leverage “Binks”, telescoping pieces of adjacent information associated with the core content being read. Binks allow you to add a trackable layer of depth and interactivity, and they are available exclusively through Pagedip.

With the Pagedip platform, content creators can leverage these features:

  • Trusted source of content: Dispense with opening a new browser tabs to access more content or leaving the page you are reading to watch a video.  Readers can avoid the distraction of going down these rabbit holes, Pagedip encourages readers to delve deeper and learn more in a single narrative flow from a single trusted source.
  • Telescoping content: Pagedip allows for multiple dimensions of content. If a reader wants more information about a particular word, sentence, topic, etc., they can simply click on the “Bink” provided to learn more. This layered content allows for more concise information sharing and allows the reader to choose their level of depth and interactivity.
  • Optimized for all devices at all times: Unlike other file formats which behave inconsistently on different device types, or in different browsers or screen sizes, Pagedips always look how they are supposed to — on any screen, at any time.
  • Measurable engagement: Pagedip allows content creators to gain valuable insight into what information their readers find interesting.
  • Version control: The platform allows content creators to ensure the most up-to-date version is available to readers at all times.

“When we created Pagedip, we thought about how much technology has changed and improved many aspects of our lives,” commented Susie Tomenchok, Pagedip’s chief revenue officer. “Unfortunately, many of the tools we use today were created in the pre-internet era. No wonder there are so many communication gaps that need to be filled. We’re still using old tools and following old rules.”

“Pagedip believes it is time for a change, and we’re providing a remarkable solution that meets the needs of clients across a variety of verticals,” said Hawkins.

Pagedip has already helped multiple businesses improve their communication, including Regis University, Diversified and Charter Communications. For more information, visit www.pagedip.com.

About Pagedip
Pagedip is an award-winning communication solution that seeks to mitigate the shortfalls of old tools for improved content creation by creating content that works like a website and acts like a document. For more information, visit: www.pagedip.com.

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