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Source: SmarTech Markets Publishing

SmarTech Issues New Report on Ceramics AM Market, Revenues to Top 3.6 Billion by 2028

CROZET, Va., Oct. 03, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SmarTech Publishing, the leading industry analysis and consulting firm to the additive manufacturing (AM) industry, has released the new edition of its industry-leading study on the emerging area of ceramics additive manufacturing. The report titled, “Ceramics Additive Manufacturing Markets 2018-2027” projects that this market is expected to generate overall revenues for over $3.6 billion, driven by strong CAGR in end-use part production

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About the Report:

In this second report from SmarTech Publishing on ceramic additive manufacturing, readers will learn about the most up to date market data and analysis of market trends at the professional and industrial level. The report breaks down the ceramic 3D printing opportunity across numerous user industries as well as different AM technologies, materials and material supports, part types and geographical market regions.

The report analyzes pros, cons and generated revenues of the dominant AM technologies for processing ceramics, both technical (advanced) and traditional. These include material extrusion, photopolymerization and binder jetting 3D printing technologies. Currently available high-end industrial system data are complemented by a deep analysis of new and emerging technologies such as low-cost hardware systems and new jetting processes. All analyses are supported with hardware and material market shipments, sales, installations, and future forecasts through 2028 to provide a fully comprehensive insight into the future of ceramic 3D printing.

In 2018, the ceramic additive manufacturing market is focusing on AM part production, benefiting from the experience acquired by adopters and system OEM’s who are working with metal and polymer technologies. Ceramics AM, however, presents a distinct set of advantaged and challenges which are explored in detail in this report, along with the latest successful use cases. SmarTech Publishing believes that a proper understanding of the opportunity in ceramics 3D printing technology worldwide requires both a deep understanding of the individual nature of each print technology, but also an understanding of the interrelationship between these technologies and a specific family of ceramic materials, to fully understand how they can be integrated within current industrial manufacturing options.

Companies developing materials and providing ceramic AM services or specific applications have come to understand that additive manufacturing’s extreme geometric capabilities are proving to ideal for production of complex ceramic parts in all major ceramic adoption segments. These include the aerospace, automotive, marine, energy, electronics, medical, dental and biomedical segments, which are already among the first adopters of AM technologies. In this report SmarTech will provide updated information on all major players and movers in the ceramic AM market, including Lithoz, 3D Ceram Sinto, Admatec, Prodways, Tethon 3D, 3D Systems, Kwambio, voxeljet, ExOne, HP, Johnson Matthey, Nanoe, XJet and several more.

From the Report:

  • In SmarTech’s currently forecasted timeline, ceramics AM adoption will experience an inflection point after 2025 as all major AM technologies that support ceramics production come to maturity and enjoy a presence in the market to support actual serial production. SmarTech is currently forecasting that this shift will be driven by imitating and benefiting from the experience of powder metal additive manufacturing. In particular, the adoption of CIM- (ceramics injection molding) based additive manufacturing processes is expected to drive larger batch production in the same way as MIM- (metal injection molding) based additive processes are now expected to significantly expand AM adoption and throughput capabilities, lowering costs.

  • Final parts value for both technical and traditional ceramic parts is expected to represent the most significant opportunities driving the market for the medium to long term future. Compared to relatively low revenues generated by technical and traditional ceramic materials, this trend indicated that in ceramics AM more than in any other material family, the primary “value is in the process”. This means that additively manufacturing a ceramic part increases the value of the material used to produce it several times.

  • Ceramics AM technologies are now largely available so perhaps the biggest challenge to address today is the creation of market demand. Many companies that produce ceramic components, especially advanced ceramic components, could be benefiting significantly from subassemblies and DfAM (Design for Additive Manufacturing) ceramic parts but in many cases still need to imagine, envision, design and develop the parts that will make ceramic AM processes and materials truly cost effective.

About SmarTech Publishing:

Since 2013 SmarTech Publishing has published reports on all the important revenue opportunities in the 3D printing/additive manufacturing sector and is considered the leading industry analyst firm providing coverage of this sector. Our company has a client roster that includes the largest 3D printer firms, materials firms and investors in the 3DP/AM sector.

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