Source: RIBER

RIBER adopts the Middlenext Corporate Governance Code

RIBER adopts the Middlenext Corporate Governance Code

Bezons, October 25, 2018 - 5 :45pm - RIBER, a global market leader for semiconductor industry equipment, is announcing the adoption of the Middlenext Code dedicated to medium and small capitalization companies.

During the meetings of its Executive Board and its Supervisory Board on 24 and 25 October 2018, RIBER, which referred so far to the AFEP-MEDEF Corporate Governance Code for listed companies, decided, to adopt the Middlenext Corporate Governance Code, that is better aligned with the company in view of its size and capital structure.

This code is available on the Middlenext website (

About RIBER:
Riber designs and produces molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) systems as well as evaporation sources and cells for the semiconductor industry. This high-tech equipment is essential for the manufacturing of compound semiconductor materials and new materials that are used in numerous consumer applications, from new information technologies to OLED flat screens and next-generation solar cells.
Riber is listed on Euronext Paris (Compartment "C") and is part of the CAC Small, CAC Technology and CAC T. HARD. & EQ indices. Riber is eligible for SME share-based savings schemes (PEA-PME).

ISIN: FR0000075954 - RIB
Reuters: RIBE.PA
Bloomberg: RIB: FP
BPI France-approved innovative company

Guillaume de Bélair
tel: +33 (0)1 39 96 65 00
Cyril Combe
tel: +33 (0)1 53 65 68 68