Filter420 Introduces a Healthy and Innovative Option for Enjoying Pre-Rolls and Joints

Filter420 removes tar and toxins naturally. Watch the filtration process as it happens.

Seattle, Washington, Oct. 29, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Filter420 has introduced the only premium joint and pre-roll filter that can be seen working while in use. This innovative filter allows for full flavor while filtering out harsh smoke, providing users with a cleaner, healthier smoking experience. Filter 420’s patented rubber tip snugly grips the tip of pre-rolls and joints, removing tars and toxins as the joint is smoked. The body of the filter is transparent, so users can visually gauge the amount of tar that is removed as it happens. The filter can process up to 2.5 grams, and then should be discarded when the indicator in the body of the filter turns dark brown.

Filter420 works using a centuries-old principle of physics called the Venturi effect, and there are no chemical or mechanical parts, as the filters are made from food-grade plastic and silicone. Tar and other organically occurring toxins are removed from the joint naturally.

'We saw a space in the market for a product to complement the growing cannabis industry from a health and wellbeing perspective,’ said Lane Kleppen, founder of Filter420. 'Cigarettes have been filtered for decades, and there is no reason that marijuana should be treated differently. We believe that Filter420 is the finest product available to use to filter pre-rolls and joints because of its ease of use, effectiveness and price point.'

Filter420 is currently found in a variety of retail stores in Washington, Oregon, Colorado, California, Massachusetts and Georgia, and on the website The filters are sold in packs of three, with a suggested retail price of $2.99 per pack. Filter420 is available through the website on a wholesale basis to retailers, distributors, dispensaries and other online outlets. Each case contains four boxes of 35 SKUs, with three filters included per SKU.

About Filter420  

Filter420 was founded by design engineer Lane Kleppen, as a reaction simply to how much coughing he was noticing when people were smoking pre-rolls and joints. Lane felt the cannabis lifestyle shifting to a healthier focus, and he was inspired to create something to make the smoking experience cleaner, and foster a happier, healthier high. For more information about Filter420, visit and follow on Facebook (@420Filter), Twitter (@Filter420), and Instagram (@Filter420).




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