Source: Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE)

CSE: 2019-0113 - Symbol Reservation -"POT"

TORONTO, Jan. 15, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Canadian Securities Exchange ("CSE), collectively with Toronto Stock Exchange (“TSX”), TSX Venture Exchange, and Aequitas NEO Exchange (together with CSE, the “Exchanges”), is providing guidance with respect to “POT” as a stock symbol, which becomes available for reservation and usage on February 1, 2019.

In response to significant interest from issuers listed on, and applicants to, each of the Exchanges, the Exchanges have jointly determined to allocate the “POT” stock symbol by way of a collective lottery process, notwithstanding the symbol reservation procedures of each Exchange.

Eligible Participants

The lottery process is open to issuers currently listed on any Exchange or applicants who have made listing applications to any Exchange. Special purpose acquisition corporations (“SPACs”), capital pool companies (“CPCs”), and other “shell” issuers are only eligible to participate for the purpose of securing a symbol for the resulting issuer of an in-progress qualifying acquisition, qualifying transaction, or reverse takeover, as the case may be. For clarity, exchange traded funds and issuers that do not have an active operating business are not eligible to participate.

Lottery Process

To participate in the lottery process, eligible participants must notify the Exchange upon which they are currently listed, or seeking to be listed, of the intent to participate in the lottery process. This notice must be received by the relevant Exchange no later than 5:00 p.m. ET on January 29, 2019. No fees to the applicable Exchange are payable in order to participate in the lottery process. 

The “POT” stock symbol will be assigned on January 30, 2019 by random lottery, and the selected eligible participant will be notified by the applicable Exchange. The selected eligible participant will have 90 days following the lottery to effect a stock symbol change to “POT” if currently a listed issuer on an Exchange or 90 days following the lottery to obtain a listing with the stock symbol “POT” if an applicant to an Exchange. Extensions beyond this 90-day period will not be provided, and if a listing under the new symbol is not effected within 90 days, in either case, this lottery process will be repeated by the Exchanges details of which will be later announced.

The symbol reservation will be non-transferrable and only the selected participant will be permitted to use the symbol. 

If you have any questions or require further information please contact Listings at (416) 367-7341 or Listings@thecse.com.