Source: Puppet

Puppet’s Fifth Annual DevOps Salary Report Reveals Growing Demand for IT Talent As More Companies Adopt DevOps

Salaries for Managers and Practitioners are Up Across the Board Year over Year

PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 16, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Puppet, the standard for automating the delivery and operation of the software that powers everything around us, today released the findings of its fifth annual DevOps Salary Report. The report, based on over 3,000 responses collected through the 2018 State of DevOps survey, examines a myriad of factors impacting salary levels including region, role, demographics, industry and size of an organization.

Underscored in the report is the fact the IT jobs landscape is changing, with larger businesses with more complex technology infrastructure paying more for more experience and diverse skill sets. For example, at organizations with over $2B in revenue, the vast majority of IT jobs (79 percent) pay $75,000 or above. Comparatively, less than half (47 percent) of IT jobs at organizations with less than $50M in annual revenue pay within the same range. 

"Companies are increasingly changing the way they deliver IT services and software across the globe, which means businesses are in need of the right talent who can adapt to this shift, raise the bar for software delivery and play an integral role in innovation," said Alanna Brown, director of product marketing, Puppet. "This year's report underscores that as more organizations prioritize DevOps, they are putting more resources into finding the best talent that can support their IT strategies and objectives, especially as more complex technology infrastructures require diverse skill sets.”

The State of DevOps survey is the largest, most comprehensive and longest-running study on the topics of DevOps, IT performance and organizational performance. The survey includes responses from professionals across six continents.

Other key findings revealed in the DevOps Salary Report include:

  • For the third year in a row, respondents from the U.S. reported the highest percentage of salaries over $100,000 at 64 percent. No other region was above 30 percent. By comparison, only 14 percent of European respondents reported an income over $100,000.
  • IT practitioners’ salaries are continuing to increase and are closing in on manager salaries in most parts of the world, supporting the notion that new tooling related to automation and DevOps does not lead to a loss of jobs in the workforce, but rather a higher demand for expertise.
    • For example, fewer than six percent of U.S. respondents reported making less than $50,000 — indicators of a tight labor market with higher entry-level compensation for more advanced skill sets.
  • Globally, the gender pay gap is narrower for managers as 41 percent of women in management earn more than $100,000 compared to 46 percent for men.
  • Forty-seven percent of respondents in retail make more than $100,000, about ten percent more than any other vertical including healthcare, financial services and technology.

To view the full DevOps Salary Report and see how your own salary compares to others in your region and field, you can download the report here.

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Puppet is driving the movement to a world of unconstrained software change. Its revolutionary platform is the industry standard for automating the delivery and operation of the software that powers everything around us. More than 35,000 companies — including 75 percent of the Fortune 100 — use Puppet’s open source and commercial solutions to adopt DevOps practices, achieve situational awareness and drive software change with confidence. Headquartered in Portland, Oregon, Puppet is a privately held company with more than 500 employees around the world. Learn more at puppet.com.

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