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Source: Friendship Force International

Friendship Force celebrates World Friendship Day on March 1; Now more than ever: A world of friends can be a world of peace

ATLANTA, Feb. 25, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Friendship Force International urges people around the world to observe Friendship Force’s 14th annual World Friendship Day on Friday, March 1, by making friends with at least one stranger to experience different views and discover common ground – and to help make our world more peaceful.  

“In the past few years, we have experienced more political, cultural, national and geographic divisions than perhaps any time in world history,” observed Jeremi Snook, President and CEO of Atlanta-based Friendship Force International. “Now, more than ever, we need people everywhere to reject the political and partisan rhetoric all around us, look beyond it and into the eyes of another person and extend a hand of friendship. That seemingly small act, multiplied millions of times around the world, will indeed make a difference.”

Since its founding in Atlanta in 1977 as the original global citizen homestay program, Friendship Force International has helped to coordinate Journeys of friendship and discovery with more than 1 million people who have visited in the homes of strangers for a week or more and have often become lifelong friends.

“We believe the international understanding that has been generated by these over a million adventure travelers and hosts over the past 42 years has helped make our world a more peaceful world than it would have been if they all had just stayed home,” explains Jeremi. “We hope everyone who reads this will join us in our movement to create a world of friends that can be a world of peace.”

Today, Journeys of exploration, service, or learning can be arranged by Friendship Force International in 60 countries around the world, where more than 15,000 Friendship Force volunteer members open their hearts, homes, and communities to world travelers eager to immerse themselves in local cultures to help build bridges of understanding.

In addition to Journeys between established Friendship Force clubs, Friendship Force International conducts a variety of specialized travel programs that include individual travel; family Journeys; humanitarian and educational Journeys; Friendship Festivals that include participants from many countries; professional, student, and academic group travel and more.

Andrew Bowen, APR