Atlas Network Names Matt Warner President

Arlington, VA, Feb. 25, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Atlas Network has named Matt Warner as president, effective immediately.

Atlas Network’s board chair Linda Whetstone remarked, “We are very fortunate to have such an excellent leadership team in place with new president Matt Warner working alongside Brad Lips as Chief Executive Officer and Tom Palmer as Executive Vice President for International Programs and the George M. Yeager Chair for Advancing Liberty. Matt has already made substantial contributions to Atlas Network and will certainly make many more as President.”

Warner joined Atlas Network in 2010, and most recently was the organization’s chief operating officer, with major responsibilities in strategic direction, programming, and personnel management. Warner’s interests in international economic development have propelled forward a research and action agenda that demonstrates the invaluable role of think tanks in achieving a vision of a free, prosperous, and peaceful world where the rule of law, private property, and free markets are defended by governments whose powers are limited.

Atlas Network CEO Brad Lips commented on Warner’s growing impact in the freedom movement: “In Matt’s first years with us, he designed and implemented internal improvements that have made Atlas Network more effective in how we serve our partners in the U.S. and worldwide. Since the launch of our Doing Development Differently agenda, Matt has also distinguished himself as an important thought leader, driving new strategies of broad interest to everyone who is committed to the alleviation of poverty. He will do an excellent job as President of Atlas Network.”  

Warner coined the term “the outsider's dilemma” to describe the challenge of helping low-income countries develop without inadvertently and perversely getting in the way of their most viable paths to prosperity. His work on markets, economic growth, foreign aid, and a variety of other topics has appeared in Cato Journal, Forbes, Washington Times, Harvard University’s EducationNext, Real Clear Markets, Foundation for Economic Education, EconTalk, and, among other publications.

“Working for this cause with this team has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my life,” said Warner. “I am so energized by the opportunities ahead for our organization and the inspiring global network we serve.”

Prior to joining Atlas Network, Warner served in various policy leadership positions at nonprofit think tanks with a focus on energy, education, and property rights. He has a master’s degree in economics from George Mason University and is certified by Georgetown University in organizational development consulting.

About Atlas Network

Atlas Network, based in Arlington, Virginia, increases opportunity and prosperity by strengthening a global network of independent civil society organizations that promote individual freedom and remove barriers to human flourishing. We currently partner with 487 independent civil society organizations in 95 countries, working directly with organizational leadership who share our commitment to a free society, use sound business practices to advance sound public policy ideas, and welcome association with peer organizations. By providing coaching and mentoring opportunities, fostering friendly competition via grants and awards, and celebrating partners’ achievements through media and at our world-class events, we are energizing a global network of think tanks and inspiring and redefining excellence in advancing the cause of liberty.


Matt Warner has been named president of Atlas Network.

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